42. The harvest ritual

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Stefan, Bonnie and Enzo were shocked when they found out the truth about Lizzie and Josie and all the time travel. Caroline was more than happy to have her daughters back and vowed that she would never let them feel alone. She was truly heartbroken when she found out how Alaric had treated them and decided that if Alaric didn't want them then he won't have them.

Bonnie and Enzo were quite and also very happy to find out that they were together in the future and Caroline had expressed her love for the two of them together. Honestly Caroline loved how Bonnie and Enzo completed each other.

Stefan was astonished. He didn't know what to think. He was still understanding the fact that he had actually married Caroline and what was the weird part that he could see himself doing that again. He now understood Caroline's frustration when he kissed her.

He could see how much Caroline loved her daughters and vice versa. Lizzie had actually threatened him that she would do thing that can't even imagine in his worst nightmares if he tries to her mom and honestly Stefan was very sacred given the time she spent with the Mikaelsons.

Back in New Orleans

Hope and Freya were preparing for the spell. Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah and Hayley went with Davina and Marcel to the witches.

Kol was very worried as he prepared himself for being Davina's anchor to all this. Finn stayed behind just in case.

Hope was using salt to make the runes need for the spell.

"Here let me help you." Clarke said as he offered to help.

"Do you even know how to draw?" Hope asks.

"Of course! Who do you take me for?" Clarke says smirking as Hope hands him the salt and he starts.

"They are so oblivious." Freya says looking at them.

"I hope they realise it before it becomes painful to watch them interact." Finn replies.

"I hope Nik doesn't kill him." Kol says as the rest of them agrees with him.

Soon the harvest starts and Kol stand in the middle of the rune as Hope and Freya starts to chant as they hold their hands.

Kol kneels and screams in pain.

On the other hand, Sophie delinks herself and Hayley as Agnes sacrifices Davina. They start to take her body when Klaus stops them.

"Stop! We are going to take care of her." Klaus says as Marcel takes Davina from them.

"You said that you will give Davina to us." Agnes says angry.

"No, We said that you we will give you Davina for the harvest ritual nothing of after that." Elijah says.

"You can't do that!" Agnes exclaims.

"You see that we can. Hayley is no longer linked to Sophie so nothing is stopping us from killing all of you. You try to do anything and you have one of the most powerful supernatural beings coming for your blood. Stay away from Davina." Klaus threatens her and Agnes backs away fearing them.

They take Davina back to the compound as they lay her beside Kol in their bedroom.

"What happened to him?" Klaus asks.

"They are now connected. Wherever Vina is, Kol is with her." Hope replies.

They all leave the room and Hope calls Lizzie to tell her how everything happened.

"You think I betrayed you. "Hayley says as she enters Klaus's room.

"You told me that you cared for me and showed me that there is a chance between us while being in love with my Brother! What else am I supposed to think?" Klaus replies.

"I love the Elijah in my timeline not the Elijah here." Hayley replies.

"What's the difference? Its Elijah!" Klaus says angrily.

"There is a big difference Klaus! This Elijah isn't the one who was there for me when I needed, this Elijah isn't the one who shared all those experiences with me. Neither me nor this Elijah sees each other like that." Hayley replies.

"Then why do you care for me?" Klaus says.

"Because I love you!" Hayley replies making him freeze.

"I love you and I think I loved you even in that timeline but never truly realised. I love that you would do anything for your family, I love that no matter what you love Hope, I love all your little quirks and how you are so over protective over your family. I love you Klaus Mikaelson and I don't know what to do. " Hayley says to a frozen Klaus.

"I know I screwed up! I should've told you about my history with Elijah but I know you Klaus. I know that you are very insecure when it comes to things like this and telling you would've probably created some tension between the two of you which I didn't wanted. "Hayley continues her eyes glistening.

"Just please try to understand me Klaus." Hayley says.

Klaus was in awe of this woman in front of him. No one has truly ever chosen him over Elijah like ever and she is choosing him. She wanted him.

Hayley was looking at him waiting for him to say something but is surprised when Klaus closes the distance between them and kissed her. She kisses him back as he puts his hand on her waist and picks her up. He lays her down on the bed and starts kissing her neck.

"I love you to Hayley Marshall." Klaus says against her lips as he kisses her again.

Removing her shirt he starts leaving marks on her neck as she moans in pleasure. She rips his shirt smirking when she saw how much turned on he was just because of that.

Their activities were interrupted when Davina wakes up with a loud scream.

All the family members came running to their room and saw as Kol was trying to calm her down.

"Vina what happened?" Hope asks.

After calming down a bit she leans on Kol.

"The ancestors couldn't hurt me so they sent me to someone who could." Davina says.

"What do you mean? "Freya asks.

"The Hollow. Inadu is coming and she wants us all dead. Especially Hayley, Hope and the unborn child. "Davina says. making all of them freeze.


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