29. You totally missed me!

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Third person pov

The next morning Kol and Davina come down for breakfast as they see their family plotting something which wasn't a new thing so they ignored all that and focused on food.

"Wait! so you are saying that there is an evil aunt of yours that want Hope because of a bargain your mother made with her a thousand years ago and you! The Auntie Freya Hope has always talked about spent a thousand years with that wretched aunt of your because of that bargain and somehow is still able to care about family! Wow! This seems like a movie! No wonder Hope never blinked an eye when she fought all those monsters!" Clarke exclaims.

"I'm sorry, who are you again?" Davina asks.

"Am I the only one who wants to know why she needed to fight monsters? And what monster?" Klaus asks but is ignored.

"I'm the brother of your niece's boyfriend." He says

"Wait what boyfriend?" Hayley asks.

"The hobbit one right!" Kol says.

"What?" Both Hayley and Davina asks.

"Landy or something who severed Hope milkshakes at mystic grill and was later found out to be a phoenix and he is Clarke, the agent who was on the bad side but is now good." Kol replies making everyone look at him in wonder.

"What? I like gossip! Hope use to tell me all the teen drama going on with her on a weekly call that we use to have." Kol says making everyone laugh at him.

"I think its time I see mother dearest once more." Freya sighs.

"Is the weapon ready? "Elijah asks

"Yeah I have bounded the Viking ash and the soil that came this morning to this knife, the only thing left is esther which I think we should do like before." Freya says showing the knife.

"Good! Everything is ready! Dahlia must be here anytime now." Nik says.

"good morning Mom,Dad!" Hope comes down after waking from her sleep.

"Good morning love!" Nik says.

"Mom can we please go outside today? please! please!" Hope asks

"Sweetheart..." She sighs.

"Please mommy! please! I promise I'll be good! Please!" Hope insists.

"Maybe you should take her. " Davina says.

"Yes mom! See even auntie vina agrees!" Hope says.

"Fine! We can go. But you will not go out of my sight! okay?" Hayley says

"I'll go with you for more safety." Davina says.

"Are you sure?" Kol asks her

"Yeah! I can handle myself Kol. Don't worry." Davina says kissing his cheek which makes him smile.

"Uncle Kol?" Hope says hesitantly

"Yes Sweetheart?" Kol says as he looks towards Hope who just came beside him.

"I promise I will take care of auntie vina and won't let those evil witches take her." Hope says quietly at which Kol's eyes softened and he kisses her forehead.

"How about you take care of auntie vina and auntie vina will take care of you. okay?" Kol says.

"Pinky promise!" Hope exclaims.

Soon the three of them leave.


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