37. stop doing whatever you are doing

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"I'm back! With a new guest! " Rebekah exclaims as she enters the house and all the other family member were came to see the guest.

As soon as Hope saw Josie she run to hug her.

"Oh my god! You are her too!" Hope says as jo hugs her back. But as soon as Josie sees Clarke see gets angry.

"You! You Son of a bitch!" Josie storms toward him but Hope comes in between them.

"Jo Stop! " Hope says.

"How can I stop Hope?! It was him who made me do all that black magic! Because of him, I became that monster!" Josie exclaims trying to push Hope away from her way.

"Technically I just suggested the spells, you did them by your own choice." Clarke replies.

"Jo calm down!" Hope yells at her.

"So you are going to defend him! Hope, he turned me into that monster and you are defending him." Josie exclaims at her.

"Josie that is one thing even I can't understand. Ever since he came, Hope had been defending him even protecting him. Hope He is our enemy! We should be done with him! He ahs hurt all of us one way or another! or did you forget how he manipulated Jo or how he kidnapped Landon or sent all those triad member to our school!" Lizzie agrees with Jo.

Hearing all this all the Mikaelson family was confused and somewhat angry at how Clarke had hurt Hope. But they couldn't understand why she was still protecting him.

Although Hayley had a hunch why Hope was doing this because honestly she had done same for Klaus and she knew she would keep doing it.

"You think I don't know that! Don't forget it was because of him that I had to jump in malivore! Just because he had hurt you doesn't mean he is the bad guy! Because as far as I am concerned you both have also hurt me immensely. What Lizzie did you forgot all the bullying you did to me ever since I stepped into school or how it was Josie that sent me here in the first place even though I was trying to help her!" Hope exclaims back tire of their double standards.

Hearing her both Lizzie and Josie were upset because they knew they were wrong.

"Can we kill him now?" Klaus asks pointing toward Clarke making Clarke look at him in fear.

"No! Nobody is killing anyone! Just calm yourself! Clarke may have done some bad things but that doesn't mean he is the bad guy. You know his bad deed but not his story. Beside dad don't be a hypocrite." Hope says pointing to all of them.

"Can we all calm the F out." Freya says trying to calm everyone.

"Yes I am very tired and I am sure you both would want to freshen up. So pick a room whatever you like, freshen up and then we can talk about all of this." Rebekah says and the twins nods and goes to pick a room.

"Where is Kol?" Rebekah asks.

"Having a reunion." Hope shudders.

"Well go and tell them to be her by lunch. We still have to do something about harvest. Also invite Marcel, he would want to know." Freya says.

"Wait Marcel is here? "Rebekah asks shocked and hopeful.

"Yes Bekah your former lover is here." Freya smiles at her making Rebekah blush.

"Wait why do I have to go and call them. I am already scarred for life." Hope says and Hayley laughs at her.

"Why are you scarred?" Klaus asks.

"You don't wanna know dad." Hope replies making Klaus, Elijah and Finn grimace at the thought of what actually happened.

"you have to go because you are the only one Marcel feel okay with and also because out of everyone you are the one closest to both of them. " Hayley replies making Hope groan at her but she starts to leave.

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