17. Uncle Kol?

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Hope's pov.

I woke up with a pounding head as I realise that me and Lizzie are still at the mansion and with a heavy hangover. I feel that something is really wrong because hangover have never lasted for so long.

"Hey hope? Can you please make that hangover drink your aunt Freya used to make us? Please...." Liz says.

"Fine.... But only because I also need it right now." I reply

"Wait, what? What do you mean you also need it? You never need it. You are a wolf." She asks

"Yeah I don't know why? But I do. Lizzie, I think something is wrong." I tell her.

"Well get me out of this hangover and we'll see what's wrong." Liz moans out in pain.

I agree with her and go down to make it. As I go down I see kol taunting bex, dad sketching something on his notepad and Elijah looking like he is waiting for someone.

"What's wrong little witch? You look in pain." Dad asks me in concern.

"Nothing just hangover! I'mma make some hangover potion that my aunt use to make." I reply.

While everyone accept the answer, dad looks me in concern and confusion and follows me in kitchen where I start making it.

"Are you alright? Because I for one know you should be fine by now because of being a wolf ." He asks.

"Yeah I do feel something is wrong. Though me and Lizzie have decided that we are going to first finish our hangover and then see what's wrong with me. Oh wait! Bekaaaah!" I call out to her.

"What is it hope? I am changing." She shouts from there.

"Don't forget you need to talk to Finn about that thing, you know!" I remind her.

Dad gives me a weird look asking what?

"Yeah I remember I'll talk to him after it." She replies

"Alright be careful" I reply to her.

"Should I be concerned?" Dad asks.

"Nah! It's fine." I reply.

I finish the potion and go to the living room and see Lizzie sitting there with her head in her hands. And Elijah still waiting for someone.

"Here it is. Hey Eli where is Nik?" I ask.

"Oh he and kol went out to have some fun. By the way I was waiting for you two." He replies.

"For us? Why?" Liz asks.

"Well you see, I think your concern about mother were correct and she is planning something. I know that Elena is somehow involved so, I need your help." He replied

"You know, I knew that you had a plan when you let Elena go when she lied to you last night." At which he raised his brow " by the way we do have a plan and do tell your so that we can mix and match." I reply

"And may I ask what is your plan?" He asks.

" You don't need to worry about that. I know it'll work. But we still need your plan to get some time to enact that." I tell him.

"Very well......."


Since bex is out talking to Finn, me and Lizzie go to dopplebitch duty.

When we reach there we see Elena is walking around in the underground tunnels, trying to find a way out. She thinks she sees a way when we appear, blocking her escape.

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