20. Mr crazy pants.

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Third person pov

After hope fell sleep completely Nik went downstairs to see that bekah has almost finished her torture on Damon.

"How is she?" Lizzie asks

"She's deep asleep." He reply

"Niklaus did you know hope possesses so much power?" Elijah asks Nik.

"No I didn't. Even when mother said that she didn't knew how much power she possessed I didn't think of this much." He replies

"I don't know about you klaus but the last time I saw anything near that much power it was....." Finn trailed off.

"Wait you have seen someone with this much power?" Nik asks

"Not exactly this much but close to it. But I never saw that again after that person." Finn replies

"But who was it ?" Elijah asks

" Freya" he whispers but everyone hears him. Kol, Lizzie and Bekah freeze for a second and give each other a look.

"Who is Freya?" Nik asks.

"Our older sister." Finn replies.

"Well I hope she is alright." Bekah says trying to change the topic which is successful as Stefan comes for Damon.

"Klaus! I am here for my brother. " Stefan says

"Ah please take your pathetic brother I think he and I are even." Bekah says

"And you don't you dare try to pull something like that again with anyone or next time won't be this nice." Bekah threatens Damon.

As she says she drops the chains and Stefan takes his brother away.

"Kol I think you promised me that you would make me another batch of your cupcakes." Lizzie looks at him with puppy eyes.

"Alright alright stop! I'm gonna go and make some." Kol stand up and go to the kitchen.

"And I'm gonna take the recipe!" Bekah goes after him

"And I'm gonna help you!" Lizzie goes after Bekah.

Nik, Elijah and Finn laugh at their child like behaviour.

Unfortunately for then they didn't realised that Damon had heard everything.

As Damon reached back to the boarding house he was hugged by Elena which he enjoyed a lot
After getting cleaned and fed he came down to see that everyone was waiting for him.

"Damon we think we may have found someone to knows about hope and help us get rid of her. " Stefan tells him.

"Whatever it is I'm not sure it'll work. " Damon says thinking.
Everyone looks at him confused.

" Why? " Katherine asks.

"You felt that earthquake that today? " Damon asks.

"That scary earthquake that happened few hours ago? Yeah we did, what about it? " Stefan asks.

"Yeah she caused it because she had a nightmare. " Damon tells them.

At this their jaw drops.

"Well it's certainly not the first time she did something like this and probably won't be last unless we stop her. " A new voice chimes in.

"Who are you? " Damon asks the man

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that I know a lot about Hope Marshall. And I know exactly how to get rid of her. " The man replied.

"Let's just say that I believe you, how do j know that you are not on her side. Why would you help us. And how do you even know her?" Damon asks

"Hope Marshall, born in New Orleans, French Quarter. Belongs to a bloodline in which the firstborns are cursed to have devastating powers hence the scary earthquake when lost control. As for why I want to get rid of her? Let's just say we are old nemesis. And I would love to help you with her demise. "  The man replied.

"Ok... Mr Crazy pants. So what's the plan? " Damon asks grinning.

The man returns his grin.

Klaus's pov

Kol comes back with another batch with cookies on which we are all munching right now.

"You know I never thought that I would see a day where we will act so domestic. " Elijah said.

"Oh please elijah! Us being a family again was your life long wish that is coming true now. " Kol scoffs

"And you know what's destiny that the person who had the worst experience from his own father is now slowly become one to a teenager. " Elijah says smirking towards me.

I scowl at me.

"That's not true! " I growl at him.

"Really? Because not only a few hours ago the girl upstairs called you 'dad' and you stayed with her comforting her like a great father would" Finn says laughing at me.

I scowl at him too.

" Please Nik! She have you wrapped around her little finger and you do everything she says. " Bekah calls me out.

" That is absolutely wrong ! " I growl at her.

"What's wrong? " I see hope coming down rubbing her eyes as she asks.

"Nothing sweetheart! Would you like some cookies? " I asks her smiling.

As I hear everyone else stifling their laugh. I glare at everyone.

She squealed and jump towards cookies munching them.

"Slowly! Or you'll chock yourself! " I scolded her as I wipe her face with my sleeve cleaning it. She just smiles at me and I smile back at her.  It was at that moment I knew I'm screwed. That I really treat her like my daughter.

And I see that everyone is smiling at me as Elijah is giving me a look saying that they are right. I just sigh and look back at hope and  I realised that all my problems just goes away as soon as I see her. I smile at that thought.


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