19. dad please don't leave me!

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Hope's pov.

I was munching on my muffins as kol was driving us to somewhere.

"Where are we going?" I ask

"To burn a bridge." He replied nonchalantly as we reach the bridge.

I spread the gas over the bridge as kol takes out the sign and place it on the bridge and the throws a lighter on it.
We both watch as the bridge turns to dust.

"Why did we burn the bridge anyway?" I ask turning to him

"It was made of white oak ." He replied grinning.

My eyes widen at shock at first then I mirror his grin and turning back to the burning bridge and sign and watch it with satisfaction.

Then we go to mystic grill as I was hungry from doing all that work.
After that we go back to the mansion.

"Hope Andrea Marshall !" Lizzie shouts as soon as we enter the mansion.

"Oh shit!" I curse and hide behind in uncle Elijah as she starts to chase me.

"How dare you leave only one muffin when you know I love them!" She shouts at me still trying to attack me as uncle kol catches her from her waist to stop her from attacking me.

" Sorry Lizzie!" I apologise still hiding behind Elijah.

Everyone laughs at us.

"Lizzie I promise I'll make you more just stop your wrath on hope!" Kol tells her at which she instantly stops and looks at kol with hope.

" Really? " She asks

" Yes of course! Beside I was going to make another batch." He says smiling.

She smiles at him and hugs him at which he awkwardly Pat's her head. I laugh at her as I know Lizzie use to have a huge crush on him as a 10 year old.

"Lizzie?" I call for her as uncle kol goes to kitchen to make another batch and she is still looking at him.

"Hmm?" She replies.

"Should I tell everyone what you said when you were 10?" I tease her.

At this everyone looks at us with confusion and Lizzie glares at me.

" Don't you dare! " She threatens me.

" Alright fine! I won't. It's just funny to see you like this." I laugh at her.

"Anyways I'm tired, so I'm going to take a nap. Wake me up when the muffins are ready." I say as I go to bex's room to have a nap.

Klaus's pov

It's been half an hour Lizzie has already delinked everyone, kol is planning something I really don't wanna know, I am painting in my art room, Bekah has been having fun with Damon. And Elijah and Finn, well they are doing something I don't know.

It's nice to have some peace. Everything is fine. Suddenly I hear a loud scream which I soon realised is hope. I go running towards her room and so does everyone else.

We see that she is having some sort of nightmare and we are shocked as the girl who has always been so strong and truly a sunshine is having such a bad nightmare that she is literally thrashing on her bed. We were all frozen.

It was kol who recovered first and went to wake her up from her sleep. Kol does it with so perfectly that it seemed like he was used to this. Used to her?

Which is weird because this is the first time it has happened in front of me and he has known her because of me. But it gets worse as she wakes up she starts crying violently and kol has to use his super strength to bound her to her bed he is trying to calm her down but it is of no use.

" Hope you need to calm down or you'll destroy the whole bloody town!" He exclaimed at which all of our eyes widen.

And it was as if on que the whole house started to shake and it felt like an earthquake. We were all looking at each other with shock still trying to comprehend the amount of power she possesses.

"Nik! " Kol calls for me which shocks me but I go anyway.

"I need you to try and calm her down! Out of all of us you are closest to her!" He tells me. And I get sacred because I have never done something like this before, not even with Marcel.

But before I could protest he lets go of her and pushes me to her. I then hug her and try to calm her. I ran my fingers in her Auburn hair and make circle on her back as I say reassuring things to her. To make her feel better. And soon the earthquake stops and so does the house shaking.

I am still hugging her and I realised they are all looking at me with shock except kol who looks like he knew I would be able to do this and had tears in his eyes which quite frankly made me think like he knew something I didn't, something really important.

Rebekah looked shocked but like she realised something and she is quite relieved to realise that. Elijah and Finn and still shocked by the amount of power she possesses. Lizzie for some reason looked happy.

Soon I realised that she is half asleep.

" Love you need to lay down." I say softly as I lay her back in the bed.

I start to leave but she catches my hand.

"Dad please don't leave me. I missed you so much." She mutters half asleep and I freeze.
Everyone gasp at this. I look at them and I see kol's tears spilling, Bekah looks like she is going to cry, Lizzie is crying looking at her friend, Elijah have a shocked look on his face and a small smile and Finn looks like he is trying to figure out something.

I look at hope and my heart melts. So I bring a chair closer to her bed and sits down taking her hand in mine.

" You guys go, I'll come down when she is asleep." I tell them softly but I didn't look away from her. Soon they all leave me alone with her.

I don't know what to feel, she called me dad and for some reason I loved it. I know I had taken Marcel under my wing before but even he never called me dad but this girl did and it is just all so overwhelming that I am conflicted with my own thoughts.

But I know one thing that from now on that I am going to make sure that nothing is going to harm my littlest wolf, nothing would come close, she really matters to me.

But I know one thing that from now on that I am going to make sure that nothing is going to harm my littlest wolf, nothing would come close, she really matters to me

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Sorry it's so late! It's just that I'm so stressed about my college and I can't decide what I want to do in my life. Quite frankly I feel like a failure in my life and that I won't be able to do anything in my life. I literally had a breakdown yesterday because of this and spent about three hours straight crying and feeling numb simultaneously. So.....
But I promise that I won't stop the story and continue it.
Update as much as possible....

Do share you thoughts as much as possible it's quite encouraging.

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