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Landon had lost his ability to feel emotions and it wasn't easy for him. For person who had always made decision based on his emotions, its was pretty weird for him to not feel anything.

Landon knew he loved Hope Mikaelson and maybe that was why he always felt something each time he escorted a person close to her, to peace.

Hope and Landon both knew that they were each other's first love and respected each other. But as time passed they both found their true love.

Landon watches as Hope got close to his brother slowly. At first he hated it because he didn't trusted him but soon he realised that his brother truly loved Hope Mikaelson. Landon saw as their relationship grew something much more, as both of them found peace in each other. He couldn't understand it but was somewhat happy for both of them.

Landon thought that he is going to spend an eternity like this, without feeling anything just escorting people to peace. However all of that changed when he met Kronos or as he like to call him Kevin, the god of time and the love of his life.

Apparently Jen had released her uncle Kronos as she knew that he was actually very nice. Which resulted in Kronos meeting the very feeling less Landon on his way home. Kronos was very intrigued by him and decided to stay in the limbo to notice the change in Landon's behavior as he slowly undo the curse on him.

None of them realised when they turned from acquaintances to friends and soon to lovers but none of them complained about it as they both were very happy.

Everything was fine until one day Landon saw his in limbo. They both had talked before and sort out their differences. After Landon had escorted Ryan to peace, he was very worried about Hope and just as he thought Hope had turned off her humanity.

This time Hope hundred times worse than before and had literally set the world on fire. It was concerning how many lives and families she was destroying and as much as Landon wanted to stop her he knew that he would do the same if something happens to Kevin.

So he decided that he would find some other way to stop this which would allow Hope to have her happy ending.

"Love I need your help. Landon says.

"Anything you want." Kevin says.

And Landon proceeded with his plan and sent both Hope and Ryan back in time with few little help they would need.

In the end Landon was extremely happy with the result he saw.

"Excuse me Mister! You dropped this." Landon saw a small boy running towards him.

Landon squats to the small boy's height and sees a necklace in his hand.

"What's you name kid?" Landon asks although he already knew the answer.

"Henry Mikaelson." He replies.

"Well Henry you are such a good boy for retuning this to me so how about you keep this to yourself." Landon says.

"But its yours! See it even has you name on it." Henry replies.

"What do you mean? Look it clearly has you name on it." Landon says while snapping his fingers.

Henry looks at the necklace and seen that the name on the necklace changes and looks up to smiles at the man but realises that the man is nowhere to be found.

"Henry!" He sees as his sister comes running to him and he hides his necklace and runs towards him.

"Where did you run away?" Hope asks as she holds his hand.

"Sorry Hope I ran to catch a very beautiful butterfly but it ran away." Henry pouts.

"Its okay Henry. Just don't do it again." She says and he nods at her as they both starts to go toward Ryan.

Henry looks back and sees Landon standing behind them and waves him goodbye as Landon winks at him and disappears in thin air making Henry look in awe.


Hello to all my amazing readers !!

So this is it!

This is the end!

Hope you like it!!

And please do tell me what you liked and didn't like.

To all those people who don't like the story line with Kronos please bear with me.

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