25. My Hobbit Brother

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Davina's pov

"So. you think this is happening because of Hope! oh god! Davina I swear I love my daughter and I would do anything for her but she really have a way of getting into the most impossible trouble there is." Hayley says as we both laugh.

"I am pretty sure if she hears this she is just gonna quote Taylor Swift 'I swear I don't love the drama it loves me' " I say mimicking her.

"God I missed her! I can't even imagine how she must have felt losing me then her dad and then Elijah all in a few days. The only relief I had was that at least she won't be alone she would always have you." Hayley says looking at me which made me feel so guilty.

"To be honest Hayley I think that we have been more absent in her life than we wanted. We were all grieving and wanted space which I feel like left her feeling alone. God I feel like I a failure especially when I know how it feels to be alone in the world. " I say rubbing my hand on my face.

"Davina I know you didn't do it on purpose, none of you and considering the ways mikaelsons work I think it was better that there was some space or who knows maybe people would still be getting magical comas for years." she says making us both laugh.

"I swear Hayley we just wanted to give her a bit of space nothing more, we thought that maybe friends might help in places where we family members can't. I know there are things that sometimes our friends understand better like josh understood me better than anyone. I just wanted her to make that kind of connection to someone." I say to her.

"Its alright Davina, I understand. Hope always had trouble making friend I just hope she made some in our absence." she says.

"so what are we going to do next?" I ask.

"I don't know maybe we should also go to mystic falls." she suggests.

"or maybe we can go somewhere else or do some research on defeating some enemy that we had-" I started listing the enemies we had when she just grabs my chin making me look at her but I don't meet her eyes.

"Vina why don't you want to go to mystic falls?" she asks but I still don't meet her eyes.

"What are you talking about?" I say looking down.

"Davina Claire! Tell me what's wrong? why don't you want to go to mystic falls?" she says making me look into her eyes.

"Fine! you want to know why? I don't want to go to mystic falls because Kol is there." I say slightly raising my voice."

"But isn't that a good news or did you two broke up or something? Please tell me that didn't happen because it might be the most devasting news ever." she asks concerned.

"No. Its quite the opposite, we got married." I says smiling.

"Oh my god! congratulations!" she jumps to hug me.

" But where is the problem?" she asks.

"Because I don't think I am lucky enough that he would remember too. I just don't want to meet a Kol that isn't my Kol, my husband. I really miss him Hayley! you don't know what he means to me and seeing a Kol that doesn't even recognize me is going to break me into pieces." I say with tears in my eyes as she looks sympathetic

"Oh Davina! I am so sorry." she says hugging me.

"you know I would rather die again and go through that painful experience again than meeting this Kol." I say.

"you know we have to go right? for Hope we have to go." she ask.

"Yeah you are right, we should go. I am going to be brave and I am going to see my darling niece." I say

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