15. Bekah meet Lizzie !

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Hope's pov

Bekah came with me as we left the mansion. We were talking about the ball that apparently my beloved grandmother has held in honour of our family finally back together after a really long time.

"Ah Bekah there is someone I need you to meet." I tell her

"Ooh is it a boy or girl?" She squeals.

"Yes Bekah it's a girl but not like the way you are thinking." I reply

" Oh who is it?" She asks

"Come on"

We go inside my apartment. And I call Lizzie to come out.

" Bekah meet Lizzie !" I introduce.

But as soon as Lizzie sees Bekah she squeals and hug her tightly and Bekah gets confused. I chuckled remembering how close Bekah and Lizzie were as they both are so similar.

"Ehm hello?" Bekah says.

"Sorry I forgot. It's just you were my best friend in future. Anyways I'm Lizzie hope's friend from future and apparently your future best friend." She replies.

"Nice to meet you Lizzie. I'm happy to see that hope have such good friends that they followed her to even the past." She chuckled.

"Well I didn't exactly had a choice." She sheepishly replied.

After that we explain Bekah of our situation. We all have coffee and Lizzie tells me about the research she did in my absence. Apparently whatever we do in the past would not danger the future because as soon as I come in thepas it created a alternate timeline which secured the future we came from while creating a completely different one.
It did ease our mind since by doing anything we won't be seizing our existence.

"By the way hope what was that about ?" Bekah asked.

I looked at her with confusion " what?"

"The descendent of the hollow? What does that mean?" She asks.

As my and Lizzie's eyes widened.

"What do you know about it?" Lizzie asks.

"Nothing. But hope just announced to my mother that she is the descendent of the Hollow which quite shocked her." She replies nonchalantly.

"YOU WHAT !!!" She yelled.

"Calm down Lizzie! " I say.

"Why would you tell your evil of the grandmother about it. Allow me to remind you that she tried to kill you not once, not twice but thrice. Who knows what she would do now that she about about that." Lizzie yells at me.

"She what! " Bekah says shocked

"Relax Bekah! Nothing new she did." I reply

"Yeah I guess you're right." She says.

"And Lizzie don't worry. If anything goes wrong just siphon the magic out her till she is dead." I reply to her.

"Yeah that I can do." She replies with a dangerous glint in her eyes.

The three of us starts laughing at this.

"By the way you didn't tell what is the hollow." Bekah asks.

"Yeah right. Just know that she was a really powerful witch born fifteen hundred years ago who also created the werewolf curse and now here spirit is trapped by the ancestors of New Orleans." I reply

"Wait. Someone created the werewolf curse! Huh I didn't knew that. Wait how are you her descendent?" She asks me.

" Got it from the my mum. She was or now is the last labonair alive making her the alpha and soon the Cresent quenn of the werewolves." I reply.

"Bloody hell! that make you a princess. It's so exciting my niece is actually a princess." She gushes.

Suddenly my phone starts to ring.


"Hello little witch."

"Ah Nik what do I owe the pleasure of?"

"Nothing that important just reminding you that we have a ball tonight so you and Rebekah better get a nice dress and come here or I'll be either bored to death with Elijah and Finn or get crazy listening to kol."

"Don't worry Nik we'll be there. Also my  friend is visiting me, can she also come? "

"Of course little witch . See you later."

"Bye Nik !"

"He calls you little witch." Lizzie says as we both smile.

"Wait. Is that something important?" Bekah asked confused

" Yes! He always called her his littlest wolf, it's amazing how he still calls her little witch." Lizzie explained

"That's cute. God I never thought Nik would be able to love someone. If you are littlest wolf who is little wolf?" She asks

"Mum. He called my mum little wolf." I say

"Hmm that's even cuter. " Bekah gushes.

"Come on we have a ball to attend let's get the best dresses this place has to offer." Lizzie enthusiastically said.

"Now that's a good idea. Come on." Bekah says.

And the three of us go to find the dresses.


Hey guys!!!
Sorry for the late update but I had my final practicals and it was so overwhelming.
Hope you'll like it.
Also sorry for the short chapter.🙏🙏
Do like and comment.....

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