Forget About the World Tonight {17}

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Author's Note dreiunddreißig:

I just wanted to give you a little treat... this is a shorter chapter and it only focuses on Jarry.
(No worries Louetta shippers... anything can happen in this love triangle) ^.^

WARNING: THIS CHAPTER IS KINDA... SEXY. LIKE THIS WAS MY FIRST ATTEMPT EVERRR AT WRITING SMUT O.o hehe... after this... smut becomes a rather regular thing in this series (you'll soon figure that out!)

Check out the media section if u wanna drool over a racy Jarry picture ;)

Song of the chapter is Forget About the World by South Jordan (u can also find a sample of the song in the media section) THIS SONG HIGHLY INFLUENCED THIS CHAPTER c:


Chapter 17: Forget About the World Tonight


|| h a r r y ||

Jetta and I watched on as Niall and Channing continued singing... I'll admit, they sounded great together. I was still a little surprised at the fact that Jetta had chosen to sit in my lap, but I tried not to think about it. I don't know why, but when I was around her... I could never keep my cool and often came out looking awkward and weird. It was aggravating.

Once they finished the song, Jetta and I began clapping, as did the rest of the boys who congregated near the entryway. Jetta jumped from my lap, praising and hugging Channing tightly, as I stared down at my empty lap I realized I already missed her presence.

Glancing at the clock, I noticed it was going on 9pm, and once my eyes met Liam's gaze, I knew that we'd be wrapping this night up soon on account of we had an interview the next morning at 7am.

We all climbed back on the couch to tell the fans goodbye and thank them for watching and then once Liam switched off the web cam, Jetta suggested we watch a movie.

Zayn ordered more room service and while we waited, we went ahead and started watching 28 Weeks Later... which was one of my fave zombie flicks. I was pretty impressed that Jetta had in fact been the one to pick it out, I like a girl who isn't afraid of scary movies.

Niall and Chan were cuddled together on the couch while Zayn sat on Niall's left. Liam was laying on the floor and for some reason both Jetta and Lou were getting cozy in one of the arm chairs. I sat there, leaning against the coffee table trying to watch the movie, however, I was constantly drawn back to Jetta and Lou. Since when did they start acting so cozy together? Why is he even behaving this way when he has Eleanor? I tried to shake off the irritation but then I'd hear them whispering or giggling and get irritated all over again.

By the time we got to the middle of the movie, I decided I couldn't take it anymore and stormed out of the hotel room. It was time for all of us to get to bed anyway.

I ran my hands through my hair as I trudged into my lonely hotel room and began stripping of my clothes. After freeing myself of any constraints, I slipped under the covers and attempted to force myself to sleep by keeping my eyes squeezed shut. Unfortunately though, it wasn't working out so well. I let my eyes slip open and I just stared at the alarm clock that sat on the night stand. The time read 10:37pm; I continued staring at the clock, watching the numbers change over and over again. I felt unable to shut my mind down... the funny thing though, was that I wasn't even thinking about anything in particular. It's as if I were just spacing out for an entire thirty minutes, because when I consciously focused my mind on the numbers again, it read 11:07pm.

My eyes felt heavy and dry so after blinking a few times, I released a deep sigh and rolled over. I'm not sure what time I finally drifted off, because I never turned back toward the alarm clock. I felt like a was in a far away place, but I don't think I was dreaming. I felt like I was just sitting in a black room in my mind; after a while though, I slowly felt an unwanted alertness trying to zap me back to a conscious state.

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