Dear Channing {27}

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Author's Note dreiundfünfzig:

Um... hai. If you guys want to share my akotw on IG/Twitter/Facebook/Tumblr you don't have to ask, please I encourage you to do it! I can't believe how long this book is... like even when I try to keep it short my chapters always end up being 10+ pages long... ugh... sorry if i ever get too wordy. #oops

Umm... so, the pic in the media section is the grilled cheese that Liam tweets for Natalie... lmao idk why that's significant, but u know what... just look at it and appreciate the food porn, ok? <3
+btw... what happened to Natalie, really happened to me... it sucked and i was sad for like 5 minutes... damn dogs+

dedicated to @mlk_unforgottenlove for being dopE.

Chapter 27: Dear Channing


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The rest of the lads and I couldn't help the huge grins that covered our faces as Nialler sang his heart out to Channing in front of everyone. Although they had never made an official statement to the press, I really didn't think it was necessary. Anyone could tell that he was completely smitten with her, and her with him.

As Niall finished his song, I watched him as he winked at Channing and she blew him a kiss. He turned around to smile at us, but we were already rushing over toward him to have one of our well known group hugs. After we took turns patting him on the head, he turned back toward the crowd, a blush still apparent on his rosy cheeks, "Um... I call tha' song 'Sweet Perfection,' and I wrote it fer Channing..." he trailed off, looking bashful as the crowd exploded with clapping, screaming, crying, and laughing.

I held my mic up to my lips, "Wasn't that amazing everyone? Let's hear it one more time for Niall!" I yelled out, riling up the crowd even more. I smiled over at Niall as we basked in the deafening screams.


 After another hour and a half, we'd finally finished our set and were piling into our dressing room, chugging down bottles of water. It was safe to say that we were all quite sweaty and uncomfortable, but you could feel the relief that radiated through each of us after finishing another great show.

We stood around, chatting and giving out a bit of banter when the dressing room door flew open, revealing an adorably crazed looking Channing as she ran into the room and jumped into Niall's arms.

We began laughing as they tumbled to the ground due to the fact that Channing had completely jumped him. Neither of them seemed to notice though as Niall hit the ground and Chan straddled him as she hovered over his body, smiling down at him.

"Did you like it?" Niall asked, returning her excited smile.

"Did I like it? Are you serious?" she asked with wide eyes. Without missing a beat, we watched on as Channing pressed her lips against his, kissing him fully, not at all worried about her current audience in the room.

Niall's eyes were closed as he ran his fingers through her hair, pushing it back so that it was out of her face; their lips remained locked as their kiss grew more heated. I'd finally had enough of feeling like a peeping tom so I turned back toward the door to see an amused looking Jetta leaning on the doorframe. She grinned down at them for another moment before feeling my gaze on her and looking up to meet my eyes.

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