Olive You {10}

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Author's Note neunzehn:

The song that Niall sings for Channing is called Fall for You by Secondhand Serenade... it's like my favorite song in the world. The video is in the media section :)

Dedication is to Vivian Horana for sending me such an encouraging message. It was so sweet and I was just blown away by the things you said <3

Hopefully if you've made this far, it means that u enjoy akotw and will be here til the end
 - i know there was a lot of cliché carroty crap to cringe through, so I thank u for reading like a boss and getting thru it - 

on with the show...


Chapter 10: Olive You

|| c h a n n i n g ||


After escaping back into the hotel room I turned to look over my shoulder and saw Niall smiling softly down at the city. The simplest things he did made my heart race. Like right now, he's just staring at the city lights and my hearts bouncing around my chest going on and on about how cute he is. Stop!

Before I could turn back around to see where I was going I found myself crashing into a solid wall of muscle. At least that's what it felt like. I peeked up to meet none other than Liam's sparkling brown eyes. He smiled at me, "Sorry, Love... I was just coming to tell you and Nialler that we ordered some food," he said as he steadied my shoulders and I peeled myself awkwardly off of his chest.

I swiped my hair out of my face and was about to reply, but then I heard Jetta yelling from the kitchen, "Channny! I got you some ollllives!" she sang in a teasing voice.

I looked at Laim again with a sly smile, "'Scuse me..." I said as I ran around him and hauled ass into the kitchen.

Zayn looked up and noticed my excited state, "You're this excited... over olives?" he asked me with a raised brow.

I crossed my arms over my chest and narrowed my eyes, "Um... yeah. Problem?" I slid in between Zayn and Jetta and jumped onto the counter. I grabbed the jar of black olives and dumped them into a plastic bowl that I found in one of the cabinets. After I scooped a few up and shoved them into my mouth, I looked up to see four pairs of eyes staring at me. Luckily Niall wasn't in the room yet to see my embarrassing display. Jetta noticed that the boys were all staring at me and she spoke on my behalf, "Yeah... Channing eats olives like candy. Don't try to understand it, guys..." she said dismissively as she cracked open a can of Pepsi and ripped her grilled cheese apart.

I shrugged my shoulders and popped a few more olives into my mouth as Niall finally waltzed in. It was getting pretty cramped in here, considering there were seven grown people squished into a little sliver of a kitchen.

Louis finally unleashed his opinion, "Channing... that's a little gross," he said as he stole one of Jetta's sandwich halves and took a huge bite out of it while she wasn't looking. Heh... big mistake Louis.

"Aye, what's gross?" Niall asked, as he looked around to everyone.

"Oh nothing... Channing just apparently eats olives like candy," Harry said in his slow drawl as he grabbed another beer out of the fridge. I still didn't understand how they were even able to get their hands on alcohol in the U.S... I mean Louis wouldn't be twenty-one until December. Before I could dwell on it any further I became distracted as I saw Niall heading my way.

He squeezed in between everyone to come stand in front of me as he helped himself to a few of my olives. In order to make room for him I opened my legs slightly so that he could lean his back against the counter. A small smile traced his lips as I did this but he didn't complain as he turned around to face everyone else, resting his elbows gently on my thighs. I blushed at the contact, but didn't push him away.

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