All of Channing's Little Things {8}

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Author's Note fünfzehn:
I have never been to a concert...
tbh the only concert I ever went to was *NSYNC back when i was like 12 [laughs hysterically] so please forgive me if this isn't how things really play out... I mean like, everything I've learned is from watching YouTube concert vids :'(

++2014 mandy here... guess what bitches... I'm going to WWA on August 27th 2014 can i get a hell yeah?! dreams really do come true [sobs]++

Dedicated to @_1d_Perfection_  for leaving encouraging comments :D

Also, play Little Things while you read this... it sets the mood, I have a video in the media section <3 drunk Niall singing little things while in an Irish pub just overwhelms me ahh

beWaRe... this chapter contains lots of clichéd moments and delicious cheese puffs full of fluff... please enjoy.


Chapter 8: All of Channing's Little Things


|| n i a l l ||


There are not enough adjectives in the human language to describe how nervous, giddy, and excited I felt. Showtime was a mere five minutes away, and I'd just gotten confirmation from Jetta that they had taken their seats. I chugged my third bottle of water as I heard someone approach me from behind,

"Mate, you're really going to regret drinking all of that water when you're on stage and jumpin around," Liam mused, patting me lightly on the shoulder.

I stopped mid-chug and pulled the bottle away from my mouth, "I suppose yer right," I replied as I recapped it and tossed it toward the couch where Harry was sitting. He glanced up when the bottle smacked his leg with a smile on his face,

"Yeah you don't want to be like Bieber and end up throwing up on stage," Harry chuckled.

"Oi, well lucky fer me I wasn't drinkin' milk," I said with a dismissive laugh. As I turned toward the door where Paul had suddenly appeared at,

"Alright boys, let's go," he said hurriedly as he waved his hand in the direction of the stage. When we were standing so close to the crowd, the sound was deafening. At least back in the dressing rooms the noise was rather muffled, but being this close to the crowd, especially with no music playing, was damn near ear-splitting, even with my stage ears in.

As we all lined up, with Zayn in front, the countdown began and that's when I felt my heart jump into my throat. I nervously began shaking my head and rolling my shoulders, trying to calm down. I had never felt so anxious before a concert before, but I reckon that's because Channing has never been in the audience, front row and center. I just wanted this show to be great for her. Louis noticed my anxious state since he was standing behind me and slapped my shoulder,

"Niall! Just be yourself. According to those letters, that's what she loves about you. Just be the goofy, little Irish dork I know you can be! And all the girls love..." he said with a smirk.

"Thanks man... I think," I said with a laugh as the countdown hit one and the music started up. Zayn was the first one to run on stage since he started the song, and all the rest of us came bouncing on right after him.

The crowd was absolutely insane. It's just the biggest rush in the world to be out on that stage in front of all of those people, knowing that every single one of them took time out of their day and money out of their wallets just to watch me preform tonight. It sometimes felt like just yesterday I was walking out on that stage in front of Simon and the rest of the judges.

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