I Didn't Choose the Fangirl Life... The Fangirl Life Chose Me {15}

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Author's Note neunundzwanzig:

Dedicated to @stonednourry because she wrote a poem about this story and I love it to death- it's at the end of the chapter if you wish to read it :]

Thanks for reading guys... oh and the song Channing sings is called "Superstar" by Tay Swift


Chapter 15: I Didn't Choose the Fangirl Life... The Fangirl like Chose Me


|| c h a n n i n g ||

The rest of the day we planned on just snacking on junk food and watching movies. As we put White Chicks into the DVD player, the door creaked open and a sheepish looking Jetta walked in followed by Louis. Three things stood out to me... They'd been gone for about three hours, Jetta's hair was damp and she was wearing different clothes.

Louis and Jetta parted ways, Lou walked over toward Harry and Zayn while Jetta hurried over to me.

I was sitting on the couch, Niall's arm was draped loosely over my shoulder as Jetta crept over and plopped down next to me.

"I need to talk to you," she whispered through her teeth, not moving her lips. I started laughing a little bit as I answered her, doing the same thing, "Ok, what's up?" I asked her softly. She grabbed my hand and began trying to pull me away from Niall, who, by the way, did not approve of the separation anymore than I did. Niall gave me a questioning look, but I gave him a light kiss on the cheek and saw a small smile slip across his lips as Jetta dragged me back toward Niall's room. I winced as her nails dug into my palm and I ripped my hand away from hers, "Jet! What is the problem?" I asked loudly, rubbing my hand against my thigh.

She threw herself back onto Niall's bed and patted the bed for me to lay down next to her, "Nothing, I just haven't gotten to speak to my best friend in a while. A certain evil leprechaun keeps hogging the shit out of her..." she trailed off with a pout.

I rolled my eyes and relaxed on the bed next to her; I was laying on Niall's pillow so I was in heaven as his scent surrounded me. Shit... focus Channing.

Jetta gave me a funny look and started laughing, "What?" I asked her.

"Nothing... you're just sitting there having a nosegasm. I can totally tell! I don't blame you though... Niall smells good..." she trailed off as she leaned closer to his pillow and took a big wiff.

"Mmmmm," she mumbled as she closed her eyes and fell back on the other side of the bed. I began laughing so hard my stomach was hurting, "Oh my God... Jetta why are we so creepy?" I asked her through my giggling.

"I didn't choose the fangirl life. The fangirl life chose me. We can't simply turn off our stalkerish ways at the drop of a hat, ya know," she reasoned, as if what she was saying made total sense.

We settled down as she rolled over to face me again, "I think he's good for you, Chan. Look at you. You're glowing. I love you like this. I haven't seen you stop smiling since last night," she said as she pulled me closer giving me a hug.

My cheeks warmed as I agreed with her, since she hadn't seen the few times I'd broken down in front of Niall within the last 24 hours. God... would I ever get over that embarrassment?

"How did we get so lucky?" I asked absentmindedly. We sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes before I remembered that she was wearing new clothes, "Hey Jet... why are you dripping and wearing Louis' clothes?" I asked as I inspected her facial expression and tugged on her striped shirt.

She rolled her eyes and smiled, "Because that jackass threw me in the pool!" she exclaimed excitedly, "so I grabbed a hold of him and made him come with me," she said with a wink.

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