Pimps and Hoes {9}

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Author's Note siebzehn:

I'm dedicating this chapter to @AllTimeNutella because her fic was the first I EVER read. NOT ONLY THAT... but it's because her story that I actually became interested in who the boys were.

Also, thank you for sticking with this story. Like I've promised profusely in previous chapters... it get's so much better as time goes on!


Chapter 9: Pimps and Hoes


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As Harry finished his solo and I began singing along with him, trying to harmonize our voices, I locked my eyes with Channing and refused to look away. I tuned out everything and everyone as I sang; I was no longer preforming for an arena full of thousands of fans. At this moment I was only preforming for Channing. One girl that I met for five minutes barely three days ago. One girl with mesmerizing grey eyes, brown hair, and a story written on her wrists. One girl who I was willing to fall for... One girl I may have already fallen for.

When Harry's voice fell away and only mine could be heard, I found myself unable to stay contained on the uncomfortable stool; I just wanted to be closer to her. I stood and walked so that I was standing right in front of her, and I was happy to see Channing get to her feet almost as quickly, with the same fire in her eyes. I continued singing to her, willing her to believe the words I was saying. Asking her to trust me, begging her to take a risk.

I wasn't sure exactly what this connection I felt to her was, all I knew was that I wanted to find out. I needed to know her, more than just through her pretty penmanship. I wanted to learn her fears, her bad habits, her hopes, and her happy memories. I wanted to learn about everything bad that ever happened to her, no matter how hard it would be to hear it. I wanted to comfort and protect her. This girl who should be a stranger, just felt like a long lost friend; and since three days ago, all I knew for sure was that everything had changed.

I saw her eyes filling up with tears and it broke my heart as they began spilling out, wetting her eye lashes and cheeks. She didn't bother to wipe them away, she wasn't ashamed of them. Instead, she just stood there, giving me the most genuine smile. When my solo finished I immediately reached out, erasing the tear tracks from her cheeks with a swipe of my fingers. Her eyes glistened as she watched me grab my guitar once more to finish the song. As the lads and I joined together, playing off each others voices, Channing never looked away. She just kept her eyes trained on me as if I were still the only one in the room.

When the song finished, there was absolute silence for a moment. I was standing so close that I could smell her cherry chap stick, which did not help matters as I desperately tried to catch my breath. Only when the cheering of the crowd knocked Channing out of her trance did she reach for me, hugging me tightly around the neck. I readjusted her as I removed the guitar strap and then pulled her back so that she was firmly against me. I kissed the top of her head lightly, nearly feeling overwhelmed by the smell of her hair. I don't even know how to describe it, it just smelled damn good. As we clung to each other for a few seconds, I realized that I wanted a more private moment with her, so I quickly walked us both off the stage, toward the side where the managers were watching me questionably.

Stupidly, the first thing out of my mouth was me telling her that her hair looked nice straight. I wanted to give myself a facepalm. As she blushed at my compliment, I wanted nothing more than to kiss her soft pink lips, but I fought the urge. I had to remind myself that I wanted to be her friend first. She needed me, and I wasn't going to let my hormones get in the way of that.

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