||akotw trilogy||

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I'm sorry if you guys thought this was going to be an update :( But in a way it is... I've decided that was a good enough place to end AKOTW; although you don't know what happened between Louis and Jetta... I think that would be a good way to draw you people into the next story (you know those of you who say you hate sequels) tehehe bc... if you want to know what happens, then you'll have to find my other story! It's really not that hard... go to my profile and look for the story titled "A Kiss on the Cheek"... or use the search code 11642890 ^.^

Which brings me to my next topic... I'm making this a trilogy!

A Kiss on the Wrist #AKOTW Book 1
Explores the beginning of Channing and Niall's relationship: how they met & how they fell in love. It also introduces you to the madness of the Larrietta love triangle <3 It ends with Niall leaving Jetta to finish the Take Me Home tour :]

A Kiss on the Cheek #AKOTC Book 2
Explores Chialler's relationship as it grows and the drama that ensues as soon as Niall leaves to finish his tour. Will something happen to Channing that will make Niall drop everything to come back for her? You'll find out the whereabouts of Jeff and Tate, as well as another shady character from Channing's past. Prepare for more Larrietta drama, as well as the introduction of new characters. This story will end with a possible rift coming between Chialler: the fans. What happens when they find out about her history with self harm and turn against her?

A Kiss on the Lips #AKOTL Book 3
Explores what happens when Niall makes a very important decision regarding his relationship with Channing... will he choose her or his fans? You'll find out who Jetta will end up with and some more exciting things will happen in Chialler's relationship. You'll follow the girls as they adjust to life in London as well. Ultimately, this will tie up all loose ends, and will be the end of the AKOTW trilogy... well depending on if you people want more or not!

So what do u think?

I hope you guys will stay with me in this... we're in it together! ALL OF YOU! I just felt like if I kept going in one book... it would get draggy and I might unintentionally start rushing just to end it. If I space it out I feel like I have more time to work with and it makes me more comfortable with moving at my slow and detailed pace lol... thank you guys so much for all of your support with AKOTW <3 It would have never gotten past the first few chapter's if it wasn't for all of your enthusiasm! I love you all!



P.S: just so u know, the whole Louetta/Jarry/Larrietta love triangle will definitely be more prominent throughout the rest of the story... i mean, sure it started out as a "side story"... but as time has gone on... it has come to be just as important to me as Chialler's love story <3
so... learn to love it or feel free to make like a tree LeAvE!!!11
[laughs obnoxiously at my own terrible jokE bc no one else is laughing] xD

 xoxo <3 Mandy

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