Olive and Nilla {20}

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Author's Note neununddreißig:

Hai... this not a pregnancy story, trust me.
So stop griping about the condom thing, iight?
It shall all be explained e v e n t u a l l y

Sorry if the graphic sex was a little much for some of you, but I placed a warning on the first page of this story warning of mature content. If you don't like it... well, then don't read it :/  <3

The song that Channing is writing is "My Beautiful Rescue" by The Providence

Dedicated to @Livy_Gucci28 because she is freaking awesome and sends me messages all the time! I love when my readers go out of their way to interact with me :D I don't bite... get at me! I don't always respond to comments, but I always answer direct messages (this is a lie tbh my inbox has 213 unread messages atm... but u should still message me bc ily)

Watch the video to the right to hear the song that Harry sings to Jetta in the car on the way to the concert: Staplegunned by The Spill Canvas <3

Chapter 20: Olive and Nilla

|| j e t t a ||

I'd been awake for quite some time now, I wasn't sure how much longer I was going to have to wait for Harry to get back, but I didn't want to risk venturing out into the living room... Louis could be out there. Call me a coward... but I really didn't want to see him face to face just yet. I didn't have any clothes in here unfortunately, so I had to dig around in Harry's suitcase to find a shirt and some boxers to cover myself with. I neatly folded the clothing Louis had let me borrow and placed them on the dresser. Why do I feel so guilty? Louis is happy with Eleanor... he probably doesn't even care about what he walked in on last night.

After glancing at the clock that was sitting on the nightstand, I saw that it was going on 10:00am and I really had to go to the bathroom, so despite my nervous stomach, I went ahead and slipped out into the living room. I went ahead and grabbed Louis' clothes and headed down the hall to where his bedroom was. The door was slightly ajar so I went ahead and nudged it open and stepped into the room. His room was kind of a mess, so my inner O.C.D took over and I began straightening up a little. I threw randomly strewn clothing that was left on the floor into a nearby laundry basket and went ahead and made the bed.

After smoothing out the covers, I was about to place the borrowed clothing at the foot of the bed, but I actually held them to me and just stood there for a few seconds as I let my mind wander. I don't know why, but I felt hesitant to leave his room. After a few more seconds, I was startled when all of a sudden, a frazzled looking Louis rushed into his room, slamming the door quickly. He had his palms placed against the door and he slowly lowered his head, smacking his forehead against the unforgiving wood a few times. Okay then Louis...

Louis still hadn't turned around, so he didn't know that I was in his room; I stood somewhat awkwardly next to his bed, still holding his clothes, waiting for him to turn around and spot me. Wow, I felt like such a freak... creeping around in his room.

After a few more seconds of him laying his head against the door, he finally let out an exasperated sigh and slowly turned toward the bed. A startled look flashed over his face as he saw me standing there, but he quickly composed himself, giving me a tight smile, "What're you doing in here, Jet?" he asked, not unkindly.

I didn't say anything at first, I just looked at him for a moment as he slowly approached me, "I--I was just returning your clothes..." I trailed off awkwardly. Louis gave me a funny look and then glanced around his room, noticing how clean it was. His eyes met mine once more as he raised his eyebrow at me. I smiled sheepishly, "Sorry... I just thought I'd pick up a little for you," I said softly as he got closer to me, reaching out for the clothes I still held tightly against my chest.

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