Broken but Beautiful {5}

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Author's Note neun:
In case you are completely oblivious...
I've been like writing out  Niall's accent. I JUST LIKE TO DO IT THAT WAY OK! don't worry though... as this story goes on, I've watered it down a bit, I promise (eventually I plan to come back and water it down just a tad more in these early chapters, but tbfh I'm just lazy and can't be fucking bothered with editing it right now)

Video to the right is What They're Really Thinking Episode #4... it's FREAKING HILARIOUS.

Dedicated to @suarryiallayniam for showing such enthusiasm toward my story :D Thanks girl.


Chapter 5: Broken but Beautiful


|| n i a l l ||


When I'd finally finished in the shower I trudged into the lounge area only to see the rest of the boys huddled around the coffee table, all looking down. At first I didn't know what they were up to, but then I heard the slight shuffling of papers and that's when I realized I'd left Channing's letter out in the open. I approached them, tentatively looking over Zayn's shoulder. At first they didn't recognize my presence, but after a moment I suppose Zayn noticed me lurking and glanced back, meeting my gaze. His sympathetic eyes took in my sad ones and he slowly got to his feet and enveloped me in a hug.

"Mate, it'll be okay, I know it's hard to read these letters... But remember she was strong enough to make it through anything that may have happened to her," he said reassuringly while he kept his arm slung over my shoulder.

When I looked back at the rest of the boys, they were staring back at me; obviously noticing our exchange.

Liam stepped forward next and brought his hand to my other shoulder in a comforting gesture, "Have you read anymore," he asked, a slight hesitation weighing in his words. I knew he was referring to the rest of Channing's letters, so I slowly shook my head. In all honesty I was afraid of what I'd find in the next letter, and every letter thereafter.

"Well, Channing's counting on you to  hear her story," he encouraged. Leave it to Liam to be the responsible one.

"Yeh, I know. I'm jus weary of what I meh find in tha rest of 'em," I answered timidly, looking down.

"Where are they?" Harry asked, quickly rising from the couch. I pointed back toward my room and simply replied, "Ni'stand."

Harry nodded once and disappeared through my doorway. Louis spoke up next, "Nialler, we brought you back some spaghetti, it's on the counter."

Any other time I would have already sniffed the food out and been done eating, but at the moment I just wasn't in the mood.

"Tanks, I'll put it in dah fridge fer later," I said softly as I wandered toward the kitchen and proceeded to put the food away. I did grab a beer though before heading back to the lounge. As I reentered the room, I noticed that Harry was back and holding the envelope in his hand. Liam had Channing's second letter folded up and handed it to me as I took the open seat next to him. Harry held out the envelope for me to take, and reluctantly I reached out for it and took out the rest of the letters.

After taking a second to collect myself, I gave my head a slight shake, trying to free myself of the cloud of foreboding that was settling on my shoulders. I opened the envelope and pulled out Channing's next letter;

"October 31st - November 1st

Dear Niall,

It's been over a month since I've written you... but I guess you should consider that good news, because that meant things were going well for me. I'm sorry I only seem to write when things go wrong in my life, but that's when I feel like I need you the most. God, I need you right now. It's 5:13am, and I can't sleep after what happened tonight. I'm still shaking, but of course, I've no one to turn to. I'm actually huddled in my bathroom, with a chair jammed under the door... to keep HIM out. It's funny how I feel like I'm bothering you when you don't even see these letters! Ugh, there is something wrong with my mind, I'm telling you. So I guess I should just get to the point... last night was Halloween... and it was pretty much the worse night of my life... and that's saying something. Jetta convinced me to come to a party with her, of course it was a costume party. Don't laugh, but I was dressed as a Power Ranger, the green one to be exact. It was a little slutty for my taste, but I just kept my jacket on so it was'nt that bad. Anyway, we got there around 9pm, so the place was still in full party mode. Now, let me tell you something about myself... I am not a party girl. This is actually the second party I ever attended, in my life.

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