One- A normal life

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PUBLISHED: 17/01/2021

Laying on the beach, Millie rested in her swimsuit, soaking up the sun as Sadie, Caleb, Noah, Finn, Gaten, David, Winona, Joe, Charlie, Natalia, Maya, Priah and Dacre splashed around in the water. They had just begun to film season 3. Each of them had filmed 3 scenes, leaving an entire season left.

The beach was the last place Millie wanted to be. Being close to water freaked Millie out, especially when she had uncontrollable side effects. She didn't want to seem suspicious, so she agreed to go.

"Babe! Come join us! It's nice and cool. It's amazing compared to the hot sun!" Finn yelled as he made his way out of the water, closer and closer to Millie. She wanted to move away, but she knew she couldn't.

"Finn...I-I don't feel like going for a swim...besides...we all have scenes to shoot in 2 hours..." Millie objected.

"Yeah...we still have 2 hours Mills. There is no reason why you shouldn't be in the water." Finn explained. Millie could think of one (very important) reason.

"Sorry, Finn. I'm not going in." Millie announced, putting her sunglasses back over her eyes. As she rested on her towel, she felt wet hands wrap around her waist as she was lifted from her spot. Crap...

"Finn! Put me down!" Millie said, scared.

She only had a minute before she became un-human. Millie quickly looked around, spotting Sadie. As Sadie stopped splashing to catch her breath, she noticed Millie, over Finn's shoulder. She noticed that Finn was soaked from being in the water, so she quickly spoke.

"Finn!" She said, catching the boy's attention.

As they got somewhat deeper into the water, Millie freed herself from Finn, splashing into the water a few seconds before her legs disappeared and her tail appeared. Swimming away, she found some rocks to hide behind. After waiting for what seemed like forever, she swam to the beach, reaching the sand. Noticing that no-one was around, she positioned her hand as she did for Eleven, slowly evaporating the water on her tail, causing it to disappear. She stood up, brushing the sand off her body as she walked up and grabbed her bags. She made her way to the car, surprising the group.

"Mills...where did you disappear to?" Finn asked as he wrapped his hand around her shoulder, kissing her. "I saw something near the I went to check it out." Millie lied. Sadie gave her a comforting look, smiling.

Getting in their respective cars, the cast headed back to the hotel. There were two suites. One for the boys, one for the girls. Finn would occasionally hang out in the girl's suite, only with permission from all of the girls. He hangs out with Millie, mostly because she's his girlfriend, but somewhat because Sadie always has the best gossip.

As Millie texted Finn in her room, Sadie sat opposite her, talking. They had 50 minutes until they had to be on-set for the 2nd episode of filming. They had the scripts, but certain things were left for the actors to find out.

"How do you feel about dumping Mike?" Sadie asked as she read the mall scene. "I love Mike. It'll be like dumping Finn if I dumped Mike..." Millie admitted. " can't change it..." Sadie laughed.

Being called in for shooting a scene early isn't new. Millie and the rest of the cast had to do it quite often. Arriving on set, Millie met up with Matt and Ross, seeing them.

"So Millie. Apart from dumping Mike...we have a few other things to discuss." Matt explained. "Like what?" Millie asked.

"Well...there's gonna be a scene where you spy on Lucas, Dustin and the void..." Ross spoke. "W-With water?" Millie asked, looking down at her legs.

"'s always been with water Millie..." Matt smiled a little bit, confused as to why Millie looked so nervous.

Millie nodded and ran off to Sadie. "I have to spy on Will, Lucas and the Eleven..." Millie said, nervous. "So?" Sadie asked, confused.

"THE VOID SET HAS WATER ON THE FLOOR!" Millie quietly screamed. "Oh!" Sadie finally realised. "What am I going to do?" Millie asked, worried. "I-I don't know!" Sadie said, trying to think of something.

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