Three- Avoiding trouble

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PUBLISHED: 20/01/2021

(Present day)
"THE VOID SET HAS WATER ON THE FLOOR!" Millie quietly screamed. "Oh!" Sadie finally realised. "What am I going to do?" Millie asked, worried. "I-I don't know!" Sadie said, trying to think of something.

Quickly heading back to Matt and Ross, Millie needed a good excuse.

"Uh...Matt...I know that the void set has water, but could I wear my shoes from my previous scene? My feet are really cold and besides, you'll really only see my legs and up." Millie tried to get out of wearing bare feet in the water.

"Of course Millie. Anything else?" Matt said, supporting the girl that was currently acting strange.

Millie walked off, going to go get Finn, Caleb, Sadie and Noah.

"Guys. It's time to film..." Millie spoke as she opened a trailer door to see the three boys and Sadie all ready in their costumes.

The group walked to the set, getting ready. The void set and El's room set had been placed next to each other. Getting into their places, Millie wearing shoes, they got ready before Matt spoke.

"And...Action!" Matt spoke as the camera man pressed play.
After the scene was filmed, Finn wrapped his arms around Millie, kissing her.

"That was a great scene babe. I can't wait to watch you film more." He spoke as he hugged her. Millie hugged him back, still worried since they hadn't yet moved off the void set.

As Finn and Millie hugged, they walked of towards their trailers. It was getting quite hot outside so Millie was excited to carefully consume the cold water that currently waited for her in her trailer.

"AHH!" Millie screamed as she was sprayed with water that had been held in Caleb and Gaten's water guns. Millie looked over at Finn, seeing his confused look as she ran towards her trailer.

"MILLIE!" She heard as Finn shouted her name more. Getting inside her trailer, she shut and locked the door behind her before her legs disappeared and her tail appeared. She was glad that each trailer only had one door that she had just locked.

Finally feeling refreshed, she looked behind at her tail. She flexed her palm to face her tail as she slowly formed a fist with her hand, revealing the powers that she had. Millie had 3 main powers. Freezing water, boiling water (evaporation), and controlling the shape of water.

After what seemed like forever but was actually 2 minutes, her boiling powers had worked, leaving her on the floor with her tail disappearing and her legs reappearing. She stood up, her clothes now dry and her hair dry as well. She unlocked the trailer door just as Finn opened it.

"Millie...are you ok? You seemed really upset when Gaten and Caleb sprayed you..." Finn spoke as he sat on Millie's bed.

"'s just, you know how Matt and Ross feel about our costumes getting wet. They would've been super mad if they found out." She was kinda telling the truth, but Finn would never know.

Finn patted the spot next to him, signalling for her to sit down besides him. She sat down, immediately being pulled into a hug.

" there something you're not telling me?" Finn asked out of the blue.

"Why would you think that?" She asked, worried. Unlike Mike, Finn is more observant.

" ran away from me, Caleb and Gaten as soon as you were sprayed with water..." Finn began.

"You know how Matt and Ross feel about the costumes getting wet Finn..." Millie objected.

" tried to escape me when I picked you up at the beach after being in the water..." Finn said.

"Well...I did say that I didn't want to go into the water, yet you picked me up and dropped me into the water." Millie said.

"It was just for fun Mills..." Finn said, hearing the tone in her voice change from sincere to upset.

"Finn! Millie! Your needed on set!" Noah said as he yelled from outside Millie's trailer.

Getting up, Millie left the trailer, Finn following her as he held her hand and kissed her cheek.

"Just remember, if there's anything you want to tell me, don't be afraid to. I won't judge you...ever." Finn said as Millie pushed the set door open, revealing everyone who was needed.

Filming went on as normal, everyone getting into their characters. Millie avoided more and more water, starting to hate filming because of the amount of water she was exposed to since she grew a mermaid tail as soon as water even for a second touched her skin.

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