Eleven- Broken relationship

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PUBLISHED: 12/05/2021

Finn hadn't said a word to Millie since she broke up with him. Seeing her with Jacob was like knives being pushed violently into every part of his body.

"Don't waste your time Finn. She clearly never loved you." Jacob seemed to enjoy hurting Finn with his words.

"Finn...are you ok? What's going on with you lately?" Matt asked as he attempted to sit next to the heartbroken boy.

"Millie broke up with me. She dumped me because she still loves Jacob." Finn kept crying like he had for hours before.

"That isn't like Millie. Maybe she had a good reason?" Matt looked concerned.

"She gave me this." Finn handed Matt the letter. Matt's face was constantly changing before he brought his attention back to Finn.

"Finn...this isn't something that Millie would write. Are you sure she gave this to you?" Matt handed the note back to Finn.

"I saw her place the note in my hand, Matt." Finn gave him a sigh.

"Well...I really have nothing else to say. I'll talk to Millie and see what she says." Matt left Finn in his trailer.

"Millie. We need to talk." Matt walked up to Millie who had been waiting to film her scene.

"What about?" She was nervous. Had Jacob told Matt her secret?

"About Finn. The letter you supposedly gave to him." Matt sat down next to her as she moved over.

"I gave it to him. That's true." She was happy that he didn't know.

"Why? Why break up with Finn? We all know that you were at your happiest when you were with him..." Matt looked at Millie confused.

"I had to...to-" She couldn't finish her sentence without crying.

"Hey...don't cry. Whatever is going on...you can tell me." Matt hugged Millie, never having seen her this upset unless she was acting.

"That's the problem. I can't." She got up, getting ready for her scene. She walked over to the set as Jacob touched her ass, making her flinch. Pretending to like it, she smiled at him.

Matt noticed how Jacob made Millie flinch. This made him want to investigate. Going back to Finn, Matt sat next to the heartbroken boy.

"Cheer up Finn. Millie still loves you." He spoke, confusing Finn.

"What? No she doesn't. She told me herself." Finn gave Matt a look of disbelief.

"What if I told you that she has something that she can't tell anyone and that's why she's with Jacob...because he knows." Matt had picked up a few things after watching David play a convincing cop.

"Millie would never keep anything from anyone. She's a horrible liar." It seemed as if Finn was confident.

"Well. I think her lying skills have improved." Matt smiled.

"What would she be hiding?" Finn was now becoming sad when thinking about Millie hiding something.

"I don't know, but earlier when I went to talk to her, she said that she couldn't tell me whatever she was hiding. As she walked to her scene, Jacob made some pretty questionable moves towards her and she flinched before 'faking' a smile. Why would she claim to love Jacob when she flinches every time he touches her?" Matt was clearly making some valid connections.

"The only reason she'd flinch is if she was being forced to date him...but why?" Finn looked around as he thought.

"There have been some suspicious things happening around here. Millie vaulted over a very high fence and swam into the lake. Winona claimed that Millie and Sadie came back to the hotel one night drenched in water. She also bolted to her trailer after Gaten and Caleb sprayed her with water guns." Finn was thinking of every weird occurrence.

"Come to think of it, Millie did ask to wear shoes while filming the void scene that usually has water on the floor, when she usually goes barefoot." Matt was certainly confused.

"So every weird occurrence has a connection. Millie and water. The question is, how do we connect Millie and water?" Matt looked around.

"Well...I have one idea, but it's a very wild long-shot." Finn sat up.

"What is it?" Matt was intrigued.

"There was a show on Netflix that Millie and Sadie used to watch." Finn tried to think.

"No. That can't be it? I mean, she would've been found out by now if she was!" Matt was shocked and confused.

"Well. Like you said, Millie's lying skills have improved." Finn leaned back.

"Are you really saying what I think you're saying?" Matt was skeptical.

"Well, we are currently filming the 3rd season of a show based on supernatural occurrences." Finn raised his eyebrows.

"We'll find more evidence, but lets hope that your idea isn't reality." Matt and Finn left Finn's trailer as they made their way to the set.

Secrets and lies//FillieDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora