Six- A controlling ex

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PUBLISHED: 25/01/2021

Finn and Sadie had been walking beside Millie, on their way to the makeup and hair trailer. Millie all of a sudden felt dizzy, her feet slowly loosing balance as she looked ahead of her. Finn noticed her sudden change in posture, quickly holding her while Sadie looked at him in shock. She hadn't seen him since he and Millie broke up.

"What the heck are you doing here Jacob? I thought we told you never to come back!" Sadie said, walking closer to the boy. He laughed.

Jacob Sartorius stood near the trailer, eyeing Millie, Sadie and Finn as they walked closer to him, so they could get into the trailer. Jacob and Millie dated a year ago and he was not a good boyfriend to Millie.

"I'm here in behalf of my dad. Matt, Ross, Shawn and my dad have some business to discuss." Jacob announced, showing his devilish smirk.
Millie and Jacob's relationship was obviously less than perfect. Jacob controlled 70% of their relationship while Millie only had 30% control.

The only times when Jacob wasn't allowed to control her were her jobs and her family.

Jacob would control her personal life, where they went, when they went, who they hung out with, how long they hung out. If Jacob didn't like it, it wouldn't happen. Everything was revolved around his schedule.

Millie and Jacob broke up because Finn had the guts to call him out on his controlling behaviour. Jacob threatened Millie by telling her that them breaking up was a bad idea, but Millie never believed him.

Finn helped Millie break out of Jacob's spell, often comforting her when she cried at night after their breakup.
Millie couldn't stand being near him. She felt sick just thinking about being any closer to him.

"L-Let's go." Millie spoke as she tried to hold on whatever vomit she knew would come out.

Walking past him, Finn knocked Jacob slightly, pissing the singer off.

Getting ready for the day, Finn and Millie joked as Millie lovingly sat on Finn's lap dressed as El while Finn had his makeup applied. Finn had been in his costume for 10 minutes before Millie.

There were some scenes that needed to be filmed before others, resulting in Noah entering the trailer. Finn gave Millie a quick peck on the lips before him and Sadie were ushered out, walking off.

"I'll be in my trailer." Millie yelled as Finn smiled and nodded, telling Millie that he had gotten her message. Walking into her trailer, she picked up her bottle of water and took a huge sip, being careful not to spill it.

"Someone's taking a huge risk." A voice spoke. Millie knew who was talking to her.

"What the heck are you doing in my personal trailer? I thought you had business to attend to?" Millie emphasised the word, hoping Jacob would get the message.

"My father is coming tomorrow for his business, but right now, I have my own business to attend to." He said, eyeing the water in her hand.

"You have 20 seconds to explain before I call security..." She spoke as her phone rested in her hand.

"I saw your interviews. The ones a week before you began filming for season 3." He said, starting the already nerve racking conversation.

"So?? Everyone watches them! I watch them from time to time. What's your point?" Millie asked agitated.

"Every one of the interviews had something in common, and no, it wasn't the questions and answers." Jacob continued, Millie knowing exactly what he was about to imply.

"The water. Every time a bottle or glass of water was put beside you, you moved away from it, like you were scared."

"Excuse me?" Millie asked, acting confused.

"You have a secret. A secret that you have been hiding for a while and it involves water." Jacob smirked.

"I don't know what your talking about..." She slowly took steps back, her back now facing the trailer door.

"Splash water on yourself." He spoke as he continued eyeing the water.

"What? Are you insane? I'm not getting my costume wet!" She spoke, giving him a shocked look.

He filled a glass with water, drinking some of it. He placed the glass on the table next to Millie a little to hard, purposely pushing the glass so it slid across the table, about to spill onto Millie. Before it could reach her, she quickly flexed her palm towards the glass, stopping it without any water making contact with her skin.

Jacob was surprised, seeing that she had stopped it without touching it. He knew he was right and Millie was hiding something huge.

Knowing he wouldn't drop the subject, she attempted to back away. Before she could open the trailer door to leave, Jacob grabbed the glass that Millie had stopped, splashing her with the water that resided in the glass.

Gasping quite loudly, she opened the door and bolted out of her trailer, running past Sadie, Noah and Finn as she ran to the closest body of water, the lake.

Vaulting over the fence that kept people out, she ran down to the lake and dived in, luckily transforming into her mermaid form just as she hit the water.

She pulled herself up for air as she swam and hid behind a large tree and some rocks that rested on a little island in the middle of the lake.

Hoping she was hidden, she watched as Jacob, Finn, Sadie, Noah and a few other cast mates looked for her, each calling out her name. Sadie spotted Millie and nudged Noah, slowly spotting the girl who tried desperately to hide her tail.

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