Thirteen- Plan of action

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PUBLISHED: 13/10/2021

Sitting in her trailer, she hadn't stopped crying. She looked up at Matt and Ross who were sat opposite her, while Finn paced.

"I-I wanted to say something, but...if I did, who knows what could've happened. I feared that if you guys found out, I might have ended up in a lab somewhere, being tested on, like El." She explained, her hands shaking.

"Millie. There was no need to fear. We couldn't loose our biggest star. I mean, without you, who knows what would've happened to the show." Matt sat besides the scared girl as she smiled.

"So, this does explain why you asked to wear shoes when you were on the 'void' set." Matt admitted as he stood up.

"I've been trying to keep this a secret for years. If the press get wind of my secret, I'll be off the show and in a science lab with scientists poking and prodding at me until I die." Millie panicked.

"Don't worry Millie. We won't let the press get anywhere near your secret." Finn kissed my forehead.

"What about Jacob? He'll spill my secret as soon as he gets the chance." Millie could worry about anything that crossed her mind.

"Well, you see, there is such a thing called suing someone for slander. Although it is true, if we get enough evidence to prove that his words are false, we, or you, can sue him for slander, as it can damage your reputation." Gaten interjected.

"He has proof." Millie admitted, looking at the two men who looked at her crazily.

"What proof?" Finn stood up.

"My...situation resulted in myself developing special...abilities, abilities that Jacob has not only seen, but abilities that he has caught on camera, which he can expose." She sat down.

"People won't necessarily think his proof is true. Most people can boil it down to CGI, special effects, photoshop. But, just to be clear, can you show us...these, abilities?" Gaten informed me.

"I-I have 4." Millie watched as Sadie placed a glass of water on the table besides her.

"The first power allows me to move any body of water with my mind, like Eleven does in the show with material objects and people." Flexing her fingers, she moved her right hand up above the glass, lifting a small circular body of water out of the glass.

"Holy shit." Gaten as certainly surprised.

"The second one is more dangerous. I can freeze any body of water." This is the same thing she used on Jacob to get away from him. Holding the circular body of water in her right hand, she shot powerful energy with her left and towards the ball, freezing it.

"Why is this oddly satisfying?" Caleb laughed. Millie threatened to throw the frozen body of water at the scared teen.

"The third one is basically useless, but I can boil water like a kettle, but with my hands." She flexed her palm towards the glass, slowly forming a fist as the water slowly boiled until it disappeared.

"That's perfect for you tea lovers." Gaten mocked Millie's love for tea.

"The last one...well, I've used it a few times to escape trouble, but here." She spoke as she moved her left hand over her face. Her hand ended on the right side of her face, now in a fist. After a few seconds she reversed her invisibility.

"That...was...amazing!" Gaten fan-grilled over her abilities.

"So, focusing on the issue. If Jacob decides to release the footage, we can just claim that it's photoshop, but also we sue him for slander?" Millie was confused.

"Exactly. It'll prevent any further troubles and it'll make sure that Jacob never tries anything again." Finn hugged Millie as she smiled.

"Does anyone else know about your situation?" Millie thought for a minute as Matt looked at her.

"Apart from you guys, my brother Charlie." She laid back, sighing from relief.

"Well. He won't do anything." Caleb laughed.

"Guys...we might have an issue." Sadie panicked as she handed Millie her laptop.

"H-How did this happen?" Millie started panicking.

"What's happening?" Finn was confused.

"T-The press. They h-have the proof. They have proof of my secret. It wasn't Jacob who released the information. I-It was the press." Millie let a tear slip as Ross looked at the news article.

"This isn't good. It's going to be a lot harder to discredit a news article, especially when it was created and published by a massive press company such as TIME Magazine." Matt was also very nervous.

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