Ten- Blackmail

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PUBLISHED: 24/04 /2021

Jacob finally had it. He finally knew Millie's secret and this time, he knew how to trap her. This had been his dream for weeks as he kept a close eye on Millie. It wasn't until he saw a little red light flickering on and off that he realised Millie had been keeping a close eye on him. He removed the CCD chips from each of the hidden cameras, reviewing weeks worth of footage. All he had was 5 minutes of proof that Millie wasn't who she said she was.

Sitting in Millie's trailer, having finished his filming 20 minutes before her, Jacob waited happily as a CCD chip rested in his hands. Hearing the trailer door open, he loved the sound of Millie angrily groaning as she saw him.

"Why are you in here? Haven't you been warned by Matt and Ross about intruding?" Millie was annoyed at him.

"My reason for being here is something that you will soon be interested in." Jacob spoke in a cocky tone.

"And, why's that?" Jacob became annoyed at her incompetence.

"You see this? This is a CCD Chip, commonly found in security cameras." He asked as she showed Millie the chip in his hand. He could see the nervousness begin to take hold of her.

"This little chip has all the footage from the past 3 weeks, including all the times your tail made an appearance." He smirked, knowing she'd bargain to get it back.

"What do you want for it?" She asked, beginning her bargaining.

"Simple. Dump Wolfhard, date me and the chip and it's multiple copies will remain unseen by everyone." Jacob began his offer.

"Or else what?" Millie knew that there was something else.

"Or else, the footage and it's other copies will be posted on YouTube and all your social media accounts. I don't think that Matt and Ross will like a freak working as part of their cast. And I don't think that Finn will ever trust you after you kept this secret." Jacob was starting to freak Millie out.

"But remember, if you choose to date me and you try and pull anything, I'll release the footage." Jacob's deal was becoming more and more dangerous.

"I need time to think." Millie needed a lot of time.

"You have 2 hours from the moment I leave this trailer. If you don't make a decision, I'll release the footage anyway." Jacob's cocky attitude came back.

"What if I tell Finn, Matt and Ross before the time is up?" Millie thought she had found a loophole.

"We both know you won't tell them. You love Finn and you love your job, but you care more about keeping your secret." The bad thing was, Jacob was slightly right.

"I hope you make the right choice Millie." Jacob spoke as he kissed her cheek and left her trailer. As she could hear his footsteps becoming fainter, she sat down at the table and cried.

As Millie cried in her trailer, both Sadie and Noah walked inside the room, followed by Charlie.

"Millie! What's wrong?!" Charlie sat next to her, hugging her.

"J-Jacob. He has proof of my tail. He's threatening to expose my tail if I don't dump Finn and date him." Millie still cried.

"Oh Millie. This was bound to happen." Millie gave Sadie a confused look, as if Sadie said 'I told you so'.

"I have 2 hours to decide." I announced to the three. They all looked nervous.

"Do it. Date Jacob. If you do, you can get some dirt on him." Noah spoke.

"I agree with Noah." Charlie spoke, smiling. She sat down and wrote a note for Finn.

After 2 hours, Millie had made her decision. She found where Finn was, with a note in her hand. Once she found him, she began to cry. "I'm so sorry Finn...but we can't be together anymore. I still love Jacob." Millie said, regretting every word she said. Giving him a 'goodbye hug' she pulled away and shook his hand, secretly passing him a note before she ran off crying.

Finn was sad, angry and upset, until he saw the note she had left. He ran back to him trailer, having 3 hours before he started filming again. He opened the note as soon as he locked his trailer door.


If your reading this, it means that I accepted a deal that I couldn't refuse. You did absolutely nothing wrong. Everything was my fault. I kept a secret and someone is using that secret against me.

I hope that one day you'll understand why I did what I did.

-Mills xoxo

Millie ran to Jacob, her cheeks tear-stained. "It's done. I've broken up with Finn." Millie kissed Jacob, hating every moment.

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