Twelve- All evidence connected

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PUBLISHED: 10/07/2021

Like before, Jacob was controlling, but Millie couldn't admit that out loud, in fear that Jacob would hurt her. Every time she attempted to do something she wanted, he'd refuse, forcing her to do what he wanted, even if it meant she was physically hurt by the end of it.

"I know you have powers Mills. Use one of them to get me a ice-pop." Jacob's demands were really tiring Millie out. She stood up, flexing her fingers to lift a giant ball of fruit syrup, freezing it with her other hand, surprising Jacob who laid shirtless on her bed during filming. Even though this would piss Jacob off, she did it anyway. She used her power to throw the freezing cold all of fruit syrup at Jacob, who immediately grew angry.

"WHAT THE HELL MILLIE?!" He angrily roared as she grabbed some cameras and ran out of her trailer, still in her Eleven costume.

"Get back here Millie!" Jacob ran after her.

"S-Someone help me! Please!" She yelled as she kept running. After a while, she found Gaten and Caleb who were waiting for their next scene.

"Millie? W-What's wrong?" Caleb held the scared girl as Jacob quickly stopped, his eyes widening. Knowing that he must have been the cause of her distress, Gaten got closer to Jacob.

Over the road, a few paparazzi spotted the argument, one of them pressing record as they got closer to the fight.

"What did you do to her!" He grabbed Jacob's arm.

"What did I do to her?! You should be asking what she did to me!" Jacob was trying to play himself off as the victim.

"Don't victimise yourself Jacob! Millie wouldn't be this upset unless you hurt her!" Gaten argued.

"What's going on here?" Sadie asked as she walked up to the group.

"Jacob hurt Millie and he refuses to tell us what he did!" Caleb yelled as Jacob tried to leave.

"Come with me Millie...or you know what I'll do." Jacob threatened as Millie started to cry.

"No." She spoke up for herself.

"I'll show them. You know I will." Sadie knew exactly what Jacob was going to do.

"What will you show us?" Gaten was confused as he looked at Caleb.

"This." Jacob grabbed a glass from a crew member walking past, throwing the water on Millie as she jumped back.

Sadie gave Millie a look of 'don't run' as Millie was panicking. After a few seconds, Millie was on the floor in her mermaid form. Gaten and Caleb stood back in shock.

"'re..." Gaten couldn't get his words out. Just then, Finn, Matt and Ross ran out of the studio, immediately seeing Millie in her mermaid form.

Before she could be gawked at any more, she flexed her palm before forming a fist, watching as her tail eventually disappeared. Knowing that she could now escape, she ran off towards the closest dock, jumping into the water as her tail reappeared.

"Did you get that?" One paparazzi ended the recording, having got the entirety of Millie's transformation on camera.

"I got everything." They smiled before they ran off.

"MILLIE!" Finn shouted.

"MILLIE WHERE ARE YOU?" Matt and Ross shouted as they looked everywhere for her.

"She's gone to the docks." Sadie spoke as the group of boys, excluding Noah, ran off towards the closest dock, eventually finding Millie.

"Go away!" She shouted as she used her powers to lift a ball of water from the ocean.

"Millie...we aren't gonna leave until you explain..." Matt smiled at the nervous girl.

"You won't understand." She argued, hoping they would leave soon.

"Just...come out of the water and we'll take you back to your trailer. We promise we'll listen..." Finn smiled as he reached for Millie's hand. Knowing that he was being genuine, Millie grabbed Finn's hand, being assisted out of the water by Matt and Ross also as she used her powers to get rid of her tail. Without thinking, Finn hugged Millie, how was on the verge of crying.

"Don't be upset Millie. Nothing bad is gonna happen. Not with me." Finn kept hugging her before they all walked back to the set, hoping to help Millie.

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