Nine- Security measures

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PUBLISHED: 16/04/2021

After Jacob nearly exposed her secret, Millie was determined to avoid being in that situation again.

From this moment, only 3 people knew her secret and 1 person was coming close. Noah, Sadie and Charlie promised to keep the secret, while Jacob was on the hunt to find out what Millie was hiding.

Sadie, Noah and Millie currently resided in Millie's trailer, on a break from filming.

"Millie? What's going on?" Sadie asked as Millie sat on the couch.

"I've taken some preventive steps." Millie spoke as she looked around.

"Like what?" Noah asked.

"Well, Jacob nearly discovered my secret, so I installed some hidden cameras in here. This way, if Jacob tries anything relating to my secret or to my relationship with Finn, I have the proof to use against him." Millie seemed proud.

"Do you really think it'll work?" Sadie seemed sceptical.

"It has to, and if it doesn't, then I'm doomed." Millie became sad, hoping for the best.

As Sadie, Millie and Noah discussed further actions, Finn walked in.

"Hey Mills. We're needed at the set now." He spoke as Millie took a careful sip of water before leaving her trailer.

"Babe? Are you ok? You've been really on edge lately..." Finn held her hand, hoping to relieve some of her stress.

"I'm just...concerned about Jacob. Him being back means he's up to something bad and I want to find out what he's planning." Millie admitted.

"Hey. Soon enough, his father's business will be over and Jacob will disappear" Finn's attempts to calm Millie slightly worked.

As Millie and Finn finished filming, Jacob walked up to them, making Millie feel slightly faint.

"What do you want Jacob?" Finn held onto Millie tightly, hoping she wouldn't faint.

"I just wanted to say that I ain't leaving anytime soon." He smirked, making Millie sick.

"Excuse me?" Finn was quick to judge.

"I'm part of the cast now. I play a Russian." This made Millie feel sick as she raced off to the nearest bathroom. Vomiting up her lunch, she worried. Now that Jacob was here at least for the next few months.

"Millie? Babe? Are you ok?" Finn asked as he knocked on the door.

"I'm fine Finn." She exited the bathroom and walked back with Finn to her trailer.

"Jacob is what?!" Sadie asked as she stood up from the table in Millie's trailer, Noah also shocked.

"He's part of the cast. Finn went to check with Matt and Ross." Millie confirmed.

"They've confirmed it. Jacob is now our cast mate..." Finn seemed pissed off and angry.

"Finn? Can I talk to Millie alone for a little bit? Just girl talk." Sadie spoke as Finn nodded. Noah went to leave with Finn but stayed behind when he knew Finn was out of sight and hearing distance.

"Millie...this situation just got more dangerous. Someone needs to tell Finn. Preferably you." Noah warned me.

"I can't Noah! You know that! If I tell him, he'll probably never speak to me again!" Millie objected.

"You need to tell him someday Millie! You'll hurt him if you don't!" Sadie tried to convince her.

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