Seven- Under a spell

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PUBLISHED: 26/01/2021

A close call. A close call that Millie feared would happen...all because Jacob was trying to find something to hold over her.

Jacob would use any information he could get to keep her in his grip. He lost her once and he was not intending to lose her again. Even if it meant threatening to release her secret, whatever it was, he was willing to do it. 

Millie had other things to worry about. Tonight was a full moon and Millie was nervous. If she remembered anything from H2O: Just Add Water, she knew that full moons were extremely dangerous, especially for mermaids who weren't born mermaids.

Sadie studied everything about the show when it was popular. If anything from the show sparked her interest, it had to be taken into account.

"Millie...I might have a solution..." Sadie spoke as she walked into Millie's trailer holding her phone, getting a YouTube clip ready.

"What did you found out?" Millie asked, concerned. Sadie played the clip. The clip that shows what Millie could be like during a full moon. Millie looked at Sadie scared.

"That might happen to me!" Millie felt her heart racing.

"I'm sure you won't set something on fire Millie." Sadie tried to reassure the worried teenager.

Returning back to the hotel they had been staying at, Sadie requested that no one enter Millie's room unless in urgency. A few people had questions, but they wouldn't argue with Sadie's request, knowing that if she had requested this, it must have been for some good or important reason that she wouldn't tell.

Locking herself in her room with Sadie, she called Finn.

Millie: Hey Finn, I'm not gonna be able to hang out with you tonight.

Finn: Is everything ok?

Millie: Yeah! It's just that Sadie and I haven't had a sleep over for ages and I forgot that she had asked me when you offered to keep me company.

Finn: It's ok babe. I have Caleb, Gaten and Noah to keep my company. Enjoy your time with Sadie. I love you Mills.

Millie: I love you too Finnie.

Hanging up the phone, she placed it on her bedside table, watching as Sadie covered every part of the room that could potentially ruin their plan to keep Millie out of the moonlight.

Time passed, people knocked and brought food. Millie and Sadie put on a few movies as Millie FaceTimed Finn. An hour after Millie and Finn ended their call, trouble began.

" you think it's a good idea?" Sadie asked, concerned.

"You'll be gone for 10 minutes tops. There's nothing to worry about." Millie replied, smiling slightly.

Sadie grabbed her phone and her purse, leaving the room. Millie heard the hotel door shut so she assumed that Sadie had left. Priah, Maya, Natalia and Winona were in the living room watching something on the TV.

Not thinking about all the possible contact with the full moon, Millie headed into the bathroom. Getting her bottle to carefully fill it up with water, she opened the tap and pulled away before anything happened. As she closed the cap, she saw a glimpse of light shining through the window curtains. She opened it up and was met with a view of the full moon, now accidentally under a spell.

Within minutes Millie wasn't aware of what she was doing. She saw and knew where she was headed, but she had no way of stopping herself.

"Millie?" Winona called out to the girl as she opened the hotel door. Millie didn't respond, leaving the hotel room, heading downstairs to the entrance of the hotel.

"Ms Brown? Ms Brown?" The receptionist asked as the girl walked her, not showing any signs of being awake. They suspected that she might have fallen asleep and was now sleep walking, so they called someone for help.

Millie walked out of the hotel, making her way to the docks only a few minutes past the set for Stranger Things 5 minutes away. She made her way closer to the docks, jumping off the edge into the water as the spell she was under deepened. Transforming into a mermaid, she closed her eyes and opened them, confused.

Looking at herself and her surroundings, she quickly panicked, shocked at how she had managed to get from her room in the hotel to the water at the docks. She quickly swam to an empty dock that was low enough for her.

Pulling herself up, she managed to get her entire body and tail onto the docks, panting as she took a few beep breaths in. Having not seen anything in front of her, she hadn't noticed the person who stood a few feet away. Trying to get further onto the dock, she looked around, scared when she saw the figure.

She saw the shoes, formal. Finn and the rest of her friends wore formal shoes, but not on a random Wednesday.

Looking further up, she noticed the black pants. Joe and Dacre would wear black pants more often, but not when going onto a dock.

Millie saw the navy blue shirt. No one in the cast or crew wore navy blue shirts. There was only one person who did.

"C-Charlie?" She asked, knowing that if it was indeed her brother, he would currently be seeing her in her mermaid form.

"Millie! What the hell is going on?" Charlie asked, Sadie now running up behind him. She saw that Charlie was looking at Millie's tail and she looked at Millie's shocked and panicked expression on her face.

"Surprise?" Millie asked, smiling slightly at her older brother who had now seen everything.

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