Fourteen- Damage control

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PUBLISHED: 24/01/2022

Millie hadn't been this scared since she finished elementary school.

"H-How can we stop this? THEY have the proof to convince everyone that I'm not who I say I am. One slip up and my entire career will come crashing down. We thought that Jacob would be a threat, but it's worse now." Millie couldn't stop crying. Finn had been holding her in his arms for hours now, trying to come up with a good idea.

"Is it really such a bad thing that everyone knows now?" Caleb asked, confusing everyone.

"Caleb, she kept her secret for a reason." Sadie was confused.

"Yeah, I know. that people know, Millie can live as normal as she can try. I mean, now that people know, she doesn't have to run and hide every time she's touched by water." Caleb defended his reason.

"I have an idea. If Matt and Ross make statements about the situation and they don't shame Millie, then the public won't hate her. Besides, I don't think they'll shame their favourite actress to play Eleven." Gaten spoke, smiling.

"Perfect." Matt and Ross grabbed their phones, going onto Instagram.

"I'll add something." Finn watched as Millie splashed herself with water, allowing everyone in the room to see her in her mermaid form. Each of them took photos of her.

A few moments later, Millie got at least 7 notifications about her.

Sadie's post
milliebobbybrown I don't care what people might say. You're still my best friend with or without your tail.

Gaten's post
milliebobbybrown Just like Eleven, you're a weirdo, a freak, but that's why we're friends on and off-screen.

Finn's post
milliebobbybrown I like you better with a tail. Knowing what extraordinary powers you have, that's what makes you magical and that's why I love you.

Matt's post
milliebobbybrown You may have a tail, but here on the set of Stranger Things, we don't discriminate. We're happy to be supporting you however we can.

Ross' post
milliebobbybrown Your powers may add a lot more realism to the show (as long as we have water around), so I don't care that you're a mermaid.

Caleb's post
milliebobbybrown You have powers?! Damn girl, you'll rule the world one day! I'll never stop being your friend Mills.

Noah's post
milliebobbybrown Having known for a while, I can say with certainty that you're definitely more magical now and your tail is something to envy. I wish I could hold my breath for longer than 10 minutes!

"Thank you guys. These posts are really lovely. Lets just hope that people react positively." Millie took a deep breath in and out as she waited for the notifications to flood in, and eventually they did, as well as other notifications.

"Guys, multiple talk shows and radio-shows want to talk to me." Millie panicked, not sure what to say.

"Accept their offers. If you do, people like Jacob won't have the chance to change people's minds about your secret being bad." Finn smiled.

"Ok. I'll accept their offers." Millie quickly replied to every offer she had been given.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2022 ⏰

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