●Author's Note●

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Even though I haven't published this book first, it's my first ever novel. However, the reason I'm publishing it after two books is because it's going under a rigorous editing process. I am really happy with the plot that I'd come up with. My big sister Rebel_One4 has helped me a lot throughout this story so cheers to her!

I know my story may not sound so realistic but that's what the purpose of novels serve. They should be unrealistic so that we could all escape from the mundanity and insanity of real life.

Also, many of y'all must be thinking that how can someone think of a fictional character, let alone fall in love with it but trust me I have. Stupid, crazy but we all are *laughs*.

So adios for now and I hope you guys enjoy my book as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Lots of love ❤

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