●Chapter 29●

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I tried convincing myself that Mars wasn't looking at me specifically and that it's my common error of judgement. I managed to calm down my heartbeats by saying that his eyes would just fall in our direction every now and then since we were sitting in the VIP booth which also happened to be at the very front. So it was understandable that his eyes would land on us first and then later move to the back.

As soon as he finished singing his first song, Mars decided to turn the already roaring crowd into a screaming match by announcing for Mama Mia to come join him on the stage.

Mama Mia is, of course, the stage name of a very famous and beautiful dark-skinned female rapper. I don't know what her real name is because I was never interested in knowing it anyway. 

Mars and her have always sprayed off rumors that exceeded the lines of ridiculous theories. A lot of people think that they're dating because they're really close friends which, might I add, is beyond preposterous. Just because their stage names have the same initial doesn't mean they have to be something more than friends.

Not only this but Mama Mia also happens to be a very candid person when it comes to such rumors that don't have a strong base. She'd once actually given an equally hard sass reply. 

"First of all, Mars and I are like siblings and y'all can never ship two persons who are completely off the hook, guys," she had said but it was the next reply that made people raise their eyebrows and back off instantly. "Although, I'll admit that I had this tiny crush on him in the beginning, it was gone as soon as it had developed. I realized that it was weird and I'm honestly happy being friends with him. It's official we are NOT dating so let's not spoil that, okay? Besides, he's head over heels for someone else."

Mars didn't bother to give any response and had left it at that. As far as I know, he prefers his privacy at every cost. He always stays away from the media and rarely shows up until it's about his new album, concert tours or holding press conferences and other stuff required to keep his fans updated. 

He didn't even make any comment when his girlfriend had passed away due a natural death cause either. The only way I'd come to know about this was through Kris. Since she was asked to dig for something exclusive, she came across this very news of his girlfriend. 

It isn't much known because the media houses were ordered to keep it hidden. I don't know how Kris managed to find this but no one has the power to publish it even today either because of some privacy laws.

"I hope y'all are enjoyin' this concert so far!" Mia's booming voice echoed through the stadium arena, making the fans cheer up and holler in unison. They were going crazy with even the slightest statement. Her neon green skirt and blouse paired up with knee-length boots were actually appealing to the eyes.

Mars and Mama Mia were busy keeping the fans entertained while singing in sync. He would sing and she would rap. He would use soft notes whereas she would speak incoherent words with so much ease that it hardly passed my level of understanding. After performing a few more of Mia's songs and two old ones of Atlas's, she bid an adieu to the wild crowd.

There was something that had me furrowing my brows in discomfort. I couldn't tell what it was. There was this uneasy feeling making my skin itch and I wanted to pull my hair out in frustration. 

I couldn't tell what the reason was either. Was it because of the sweat induced bodies pushing me from all sides or my conscience warning me about something, I was absolutely clueless. I wanted to get out of here. I needed some fresh air to breathe soon or else I'd faint from suffocation and non-existent claustrophobia. 

Just when I was going to take a step forward to leave this cramped place to give myself a moment to feel refreshed, I heard something. Something that made me freeze on my spot instantly. 

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