●Chapter 12●

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Sometimes we do things that don't interest us but we are obliged to do so. Not because we are passionate but because we have to survive. At the end of the day, we all struggle, work hard just so that we could satisfy our inner souls. Buying and living in luxuries is secondary to our basic needs.

Opening an art gallery that's oblivious to the whole world was what I'd never really dreamt of. I have always wanted to do something big. Something out of the box. 

We live in a world where there are so many talented people. However, very few get the chance to appear on the stage and showcase them around. I'm saying this because it's actually a bummer to my motivation.

My mind was coming up with all of these philosophical thoughts because it's my dream to be known all over the world. I want people to recognize me for my work but I know that it is too much to ask for. 

I was sprawled all over the couch when my eyes lazily fell on the coffee table or more particularly on the newspaper that was stacked along with the other things. I don't read much newspapers because it mostly consists of hard news but their supplements sometimes do catch my attention.

I quickly grabbed it because the big advertisement on the right-hand corner on the first page intrigued me.

I smiled instinctively when I read the advertisement for an art workshop/auction. My eyes scanned the entire advertisement and I took in even the unimportant details.

A workshop was being organized by the big and known sponsors in our town. As far as I know, this was the first time a workshop was being held in our town, let alone the auction. The thing that surprised me the most was that these sponsors are quite known for such programs which is a huge deal.

I read the venue, date and time before pulling out the page to keep it to myself. It was being held in a spacious exhibition hall of our town, a week later. 

It brought a wash of excitement over me to attend it. The thought of talking to a few esoteric people during the workshop exhilarated me. Not only this but the reason I want to attend this the most is because I've always been fascinated towards the old and renowned legendary art and paintings. 

I quickly took the torn sheet of the newspaper and rushed towards my bedroom. Just when I jumped on my bed, my cell phone started ringing. Wincing, I put the sheet beside me and picked up the call.

"Hello, Kris."

"Aria. So I am picking up Paris at the airport and later we are heading to the cafe so I want you to join us," Kris replied quickly without pausing and leaving no space for any argument. 'Only Paris? What about him?'

My eyes widened because I don't think I was ready to meet Paris who's dating Aiden who also happens to be my enemy. I grimaced thinking about him. "Uh, I don't thi-" I was cut off even before I could complete my sentence.

"Starbucks. In thirty minutes. Bye." With that said, she hung up.

"Fine," I grumbled to myself. Throwing my phone on the bedside drawer, I exhaled loudly. 

The name "Aiden" itself has always brought bad memories to me. How he used to be embarrassed by my mere presence. How much he tried to tame my bubbly attitude and asked me to "behave" in front of his group. I was naive. I didn't pick up on his hints and did as he asked me to. I loved him. At least, I thought I did. Now that I think about those days, they are nothing but a world full of depression, hatred, tears, insecurities, poignancy and pretense. Anything but love. Tears were starting to form in my eyes but I blinked them back. 

'Meeting his "new" girlfriend? I don't think that would be too bad.' I scoffed. 'Who am I kidding again?'

Getting off of my bed, I quickly changed into one of the faded blue jeans and a green turtleneck sweatshirt. Stuffing all of my essentials in a purse, I put on my converse.

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