●Chapter 05●

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I was sprawled on my bed lazily. My limbs were hurting a lot because of all the walking I'd had with Atlas. Just when I closed my eyes, there was a knock on my door and seconds later, a head popped in. "Mom," I mumbled. I sat up as soon as she came in.

I made her some space to sit beside me which she gladly accepted. "Hey," she spoke softly, running her hands through my hair. I've always loved it when my mom soothes and massages my head by playing with my hair. She happens to know this very well.

"Mom... I am sorry," I apologized and she seemed to be caught off guard to hear my apology. I could never stay mad at my mom for too long. She had her reason for concern towards me and she was just looking out for me because she cares for me but I might have taken it in the wrong way. I don't know why but after talking to Atlas, without even knowing it, I must have realized how wrong I was to act so harshly. The way I acted today in front of my mom and Kris was so unlike me. But, we all have our moments. Be it good or bad.

"What for?" She asked, trying very hard to hide her surprise.

"For lashing out at you. Now that I think about it, I guess, I was being so unreasonable. I... I feel bad about how I reacted today." I sighed wearily. Mom gave me a soft smile and continued rubbing my hair affectionately.

"I am so-" she was about to apologize as well but I cut her off.

"No mom, don't. It wasn't your fault, to be honest. Let's just forget about it." I might sound bipolar but my anger doesn't let me think properly. One second I act stupid and be mad at people and the other I realize that I am the one at fault because everyone else was just looking out for me. I felt like an ungrateful bitch.

"But I shouldn't have said what I said either. It was so harsh of me," she said, guilt evident in her crinkled eyes.

I didn't give her any reply and looked at her with heavy eyes. They were drooping because of the exhaustion and I placed my head on her lap. "But I still love you, mom," I mumbled sleepily.

"I love you too, honey. Goodnight."


I was passing by the kitchen to head outside when my mom called out to me, "Aria!"

"Yeah, mom?"

"Have your breakfast first," she told me sternly, placing a plate of bacon and orange juice in front of me. I rolled my eyes and took a seat on a chair. Dad and Bert weren't present and I assumed that they must be getting ready for the office and school. 'I'm early.'

I finished my breakfast in silence because I was lost in my own thoughts. I bid my mom a quick goodbye and walked to my bike. Cycling around the town was my way of getting the frustration out of my brain. I hummed a tune absentmindedly. But today, I didn't feel like just humming. I wanted to sing even if it sounded like a horrendous shriek.

"Hey, hey, hey. You think that I'm a little baby," I sang happily and liked the feeling of my hair flailing wildly in all the directions. I continued singing in a terrible voice. I grinned when I saw people throwing agitated looks my way. I even received a few jealous glares for being so pleasantly ebullient so early in the morning. 'I am happy and they are jealous.'

Like every good thing, my beautiful moment also came to an end. I was so busy in my enjoyment that I lost the control of my bike and it went off balance, cruising in a zigzag manner. I even heard some sniggers behind me and resisted the urge to punch them in the face. 'Jinx! Huh!'

My eyes widened when I realized that I might crash and screamed instinctively. I was so caught up in saving myself that I didn't think about hitting my brakes. I closed my eyes shut out of fear.

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