●Chapter 27●

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I have never really been inside Kris's office before today. Usually when I come to visit her, I just patiently wait outside her workplace because I don't know what I am supposed to do once inside.

However today was different. Desperate time calls for desperate measures. It's because of this, I decided to actually head inside her workplace to meet her. I needed to find out the answers to quench my curiosity, making me forget about all my awkwardness.

Tentatively dragging my feet towards the Believe News Corporation, I pushed the door open. By looking at the sight in front of me I was amazed by how everyone was moving around with an efficient hustle and bustle. The seniors were shouting orders while the newbies or maybe the interns were rigorously preparing for some news script or article. 

Most of the employees' cubicles were cluttered to the point wherein one couldn't differentiate between a shabby person's bedroom and this office. The bland yellow walls were too hard on my eyes and it was like a hurricane had bursted through the roof. 

Everyone was too engrossed to notice my presence. I traversed my eyes through the chaotic mess to search for my best friend. After a few seconds of looking around, I found her typing furiously on her computer with her head almost buried inside the screen. At this rate, she might even get glasses. Like the rest of them, her small cubicle was piled high with sheets of papers and pens strewn around.

'What a mess.' I chuckled amusedly.

I walked to where she was sitting and tapped on her shoulder. "What's it?" Kris muttered, not bothering to look up. 'Wow. Now I am really thankful that I am not a journalist, like for real.'

"Hey, Kris. Hello to you too," I greeted her with sarcasm.

Her head whipped up to look at me, momentarily pausing her work on the desktop. "Hey, Aria. I am sorry I didn't see you there." Before she could even complete her sentence, she was back to typing. I rolled my eyes at her. "Just give me a minute, okay? I need to submit this news article to my sub-editor and I will be back to you in a moment."

"No problem. I'll come back later," I said but I knew that I wouldn't come back again. "You do your work. We'll talk some other-" 

"No! Just wait for a second, Aria!" She exclaimed and looked at me with a frown. "I am off for some time after I submit this, so wait till I get over with it. All right?" She asked, leaving no space for any argument so I nodded my head with raised eyebrows. "Good. Now go and have a seat over there," she ordered, pointing towards my left at a black leather couch pushed against a wall. 

I obliged and took a seat on the couch. I sat there awkwardly while staring at everyone milling around me. They all looked weary as if they didn't even get a wink's sleep and were surviving on a single cup of coffee.

True to her word, a few minutes later Kristen sprinted towards me and sat down on the couch next to me. "I'm sorry, it's been busy lately."

"I can see that," I said, nodding my head at all the reporters, journalists and editors running and screaming in all the directions. "What's the occasion?" I asked her curiously. 

Kris's eyes suddenly sparkled with an excited gleam and I knew it in a beat that it must be something huge and good. "It's Mars's concert in two weeks! This is the first time someone so big is doing a concert in our town. Since we don't get to always see that, we're all pretty much hyped up to write some classy news. We got a positive nod from his PR team as well. Like people from Cali and New York are buying tickets just so they could attend his concert. Isn't that awesome?"

"We are privileged then," I joked and she laughed.

"Of course we are," she said, flipping her hair sassily. Then all of a sudden, her voice dropped down to a whisper. "But nobody knows that I have the VIP tickets."

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