●Chapter 32●

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People usually busy themselves by doing something or the other when they are depressed just to get rid of all the unnecessary thoughts and problems. But when it comes to me, I end up doing the exact opposite, not that it's intentional but it just happens. I end up thinking way too much then add it by overthinking when I have something swirling through my mind. 

My mom's very well aware of this incorrigible habit of mine. She's always pushed me into doing things whenever I go through this 'depression' phase. 

When I was a kid, she would always give me the coloring books to distract my mind for the time being. During my teenage years, she would order me to clean my room or sometimes even the entire house. After my break-up with Aiden, she had asked for Kris's help who'd brought me my now favorite novel.

Although, this time my mom didn't seem so worried about me because she thought that my gallery keeps me busy enough. And that all my problems would stop bothering me and would go away in a snap. However, what she didn't know that it wasn't true. My thoughts have become too stormy for me to get out of them unscathed.

What was even worse was that I didn't even get the time to tell anyone about the offer I got from Elizabeth Hale. It had totally slipped my mind because of all the drama going on in my life. 

The only reason I remembered about it now was because I was going through my unopened emails while sitting in my gallery. I'd received one from Amanda, asking for a soft copy of my portfolio. Since I'd already made an online portfolio, I decided to send that to her.

As I was so engrossed into my work, I didn't even look up to see who had entered my gallery. Being used to all kinds of customers, I thought that they'd come to me only if they have an inquiry or doubt or directly for the payment.

However, imagine my surprise when none of that happened because I heard a familiar voice. "Hi, Aria." I glanced up to see Dave grinning and waving at me.

Closing my laptop shut, I gave him a perplexed look. He was the last person I was expecting to see here. "Hey, Dave. What's up?" I asked him with a smile.

"I was just hanging around when I saw you in here so I thought why not..." He trailed off and I nodded my head in understanding. 

"Oh, okay, I don't mind. You can look around if that's what you want? Until then I'll finish off this work that I need to get over with," I told him, chuckling softly.

His reaction was closed off for some reason. "Oh." He paused for a moment. There was a conflicted expression on his face and I crossed my arms across my chest.

"Are you okay?" I questioned with furrowed brows.

"I should be the one asking that to you. Are you okay?" 

I took a sharp breath in and pursed my lips. I had a clue about what he was referring to but I chose to be oblivious. "What do you mean?" 

I was overthinking too much as it is but talking about it out loud might put me on edge. I guess I was done about my emotions. I tried everything in my power to avoid talking or thinking about Atlas but I guess it could just never happen. It's like we are connected somehow and I couldn't escape him.

'Is that a good thing?' I found myself asking. Just a mere thought of him and I get all teary-eyed because I still couldn't bring myself to trust what Kris had said the other day. About Atlas liking me. It was really hard for me to accept that fact.

"I saw how you were so upset during the concert and I think I might know the reason even. We'd both heard that exact same song in the woods before but…" he said, seeming concerned. "But I don't understand why you were so furious."

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