●Chapter 01●

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"I just hope that you give yourself another chance because you deserve it," Sarah whispered in his dreams with a smile etched on her face. She said those words just like the old days when she used to hold his hand with the utmost care and love.

He stared at her with a small portion of affection he still had for her. He always loved her but the fate was not in his hands. He was about to reach out for her but she started fading away, back in the pit of darkness. "I'm glad you're happy, Jeff."

"Sarah!" He screamed before opening his eyes. However, a pool of tears was forming in them. The look on his face was the epitome of heartbreak. He jerked and sat up on the bed, coated with a sheen of sweat.

"Shh, it's all right," Laura consoled him with worry clearly evident in her voice.

Jeff gazed at her, teary eyed and hugged her tightly. "I love you, Laura. I really do," he confessed with sincerity clear in his voice. "But promise me, you won't leave me. Ever."

"I love you too, Jeff and know that I'd never bring myself to break that promise," she said, rubbing his back comfortingly. Pulling away from him slightly, she kissed him assuringly. Jeff kissed her back with just as much love Laura had for him.

It was hard for him to fall in love again but somehow, he found his second love unexpectedly.

I closed the book shut and found myself wiping my eyes with the sleeves of my sweatshirt. 'His Second Love' has been my favorite book ever since Kristine, my best friend suggested it to me while I was depressed a year ago. I'd been so reluctant to even read it when she shoved it in my hands forcefully. It's her way of consoling someone.

This book was untouched for almost a month, stacked amongst the others in my room, long forgotten. I must say that reading has never been a priority in my life and truth be said, I'd hated it with passion until I read this beautiful gem. Also, I wouldn't qualify it as a "hatred" but I am more of a lazy noob. Besides, most of my life and thoughts revolve around painting and sketching.

While on the other hand, Kristine Pierce has a huge thing for romance novels and has been the biggest and dedicated fan of His Second Love. The reason why she'd constantly nagged me to give it a chance and read it to appreciate the book like she does.

It was a month later when my eyes fell on it, I was sort of tempted to read the description. Because of this, I reluctantly took my best friend's advice and actually thought of reading it but the moment I started it, I was regretting my choice. The first chapter was boring for a non-reader like me.

No matter what, I pushed myself through the few initial chapters and found myself engrossed in it, day and night. I might have read this novel for about the umpteenth times already and each time, I've found myself crying and falling in love with it. 

Ever since I've come to like His Second Love, I have never returned it back to Kristine even when she threatened me so much with some innocuous warnings.

Not a lot of things could affect me, meaning I'm not an easy crier. Never. But every time, I would read the book, it felt like I could decipher what the author has been trying to say. Most people would call it as some sappy story but to me, it felt like the emotions were real.

Falling in love with a character might sound stupid but trust me, I have already fallen in love. I love Jeff Styles even though it's just some fictional character.

Not only this but I even sketched him just the way it's described in the book. The description was so vivid, I couldn't help but create a picture in my head. His sea blue eyes below the perfect bushy eyebrows, sharp and sculpted nose along with a chiseled jaw and bow shaped lips. His soft brown hair crowned on the top was sketched intricately to the precision. 

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