●Chapter 33●

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I have never been the one to get scared very easily but when it comes to my family, I could turn into a rat facing an extremely ferocious lion real quick.

While my mind had been churning around my mom's slight tremor in the voice, my heart couldn't stop beating against my chest erratically. 

However there's a small catch line here. Her frightened voice had made my body work on hypertension and the way she had spoken was clear enough to say that something was completely wrong. Well, the keyword is 'the way she spoke' which ultimately meant that it was all a facade.

When I'd rung the doorbell of my house frantically, my mom opened the door, grinning from ear to ear. My eyes had traversed through her entire body to detect for any harm, injury or at least something only to find none of them. It was as if she was mocking me that she could easily fool me.

That's when I had noticed something else too. Or rather someone. Kris had been standing behind my mom, holding out an extravagant dress with a complacent smile gracing her features.

All the way, I was sulking and thinking about this while sitting beside Kris in her car. I was beyond unamused by their stupid plan to trick me into going out and having "fun" as they so clearly put it.

According to them, it was a good idea for me to go out somewhere - I don't know where exactly - and relieve myself from the stress.

My mom was aware that I might not agree to her decision of going out so she decided to pull something different from her sleeves. She thought that it might be better to give me a seizure by scaring the daylights out of me. 

Since my mom's clueless about what exactly is going on with me, Kris helped her out and came up with a suggestion that she could take me out somewhere. However, I clearly doubted her sanity because who wears a beautiful dress for a fun night out?

"I still can't believe that you guys pulled this on me!" I exclaimed incredulously, crossing my arms across my chest. "And what's with this lavish dress?" I asked her with an annoyed eye roll.

I was wearing a full length, turquoise colored dress which hugged my body perfectly. It had intricately designed sequins while its sleeves and neck portion were purely lace. Kris had forcibly wanted me to pair it up with white stilettos that I couldn't even walk in properly. My face was patted with some light makeup while my hair was styled up in a sleek updo.

"I feel like we're attending a marriage instead of going out to have fun?" I made sure to show my suspicion through my voice. "And anyway where did you get this dress from? I mean it looks so expensive." I furrowed my brows, pinching a portion of the dress. I couldn't stop myself from asking her infinite questions.

"First of all, wearing that dress equals to having fun because you don't get to dress like a princess every day," Kris informed me, looking ahead at the road. She was wearing a simple sundress which was again very dubious. "And to answer your next question, well no comments." 

I just huffed out at her stupid, vague answers. "Okay so then why are you wearing a simple sundress unlike me here?"

Before Kris could give me a reply, she stopped the car and glanced at the windshield in confusion. "Damn it, this thing is good for nothing," Kris muttered, banging her hand on the steering wheel. "I swear the fuel tank was full when we'd left your place."

"What's wrong?"

"Just a sec. I'll go check the problem. Don't worry though, we'll be back on the road in no time," Kris assured me and I nodded my head in understanding. Although I knew zero to nothing about the car problems, I decided to accompany her as well.

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