●Chapter 10●

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I have always been the ruler of my life, the one who trusts and relies on her own instincts. Which is why it irks me and I especially hate it when others want to meddle in and take the decisions of my life. No matter if it's a big one or even a small one. My mom has always reprimanded me, calling it a careless attitude but according to me, it's carefree.

Not feeling like going to my art gallery today, I decided to cycle my way towards Paradise. I craved for some serenity along with fresh air and Paradise never ceased to do just that. 

Atlas had handed over those five concert tickets to Kris and I on the spot a few days back as if he'd been carrying them the whole time. Kristen had decided to invite her Aussie friend, Paris because she is coming to the States in a week or two.

I had no idea what I was going to do with those extra two tickets. The concert was going to be held in a month so it was the topic to be discussed and worried about later. I quickly waltzed towards my favorite spot against the tree. Breathing in the fresh air of nature, I sighed in content. It was so calm and peaceful.

The moment I neared the tree, I saw a figure was already sitting there and leaning against it. He quickly turned around when the crunching noises of leaves on the muddy ground got louder. My eyes widened when they met the familiar blue ones.

"Atlas." I chuckled nervously. If it would have been someone else, then I sure would have strangled them to death because this is my secret hangout spot. Only Kris and I were allowed to hang out here. But these days it is just me because Kris is usually busy with her office work.

"Oh, hey." Atlas laughed, probably at my expression. He patted the spot beside him and shifted to one side to make more space. 

'Déjà vu much?

I was reluctant at first but obliged, thinking I didn't have any other choice. I warned myself to not repeat the same mistake and choose my words more wisely before just blurting them out. As it turns out, the repercussions of my words could be dangerous for our blooming friendship.

"Hey," I mumbled with a tinge of pink gracing my cheeks.

Atlas was dressed in casuals like he always did and he was holding his guitar loosely in his arms. I had heard him sing once and his voice was flawless. I felt a flutter in my chest because hearing him sing for the second time would be a complete blessing. However, I didn't voice out my thoughts because it would have sounded creepy.

"Hey. So, what brings you here?" He asked, looking at me with a small smile.

"I should be asking you the same question," I retorted in a teasing tone. "And to answer your question, I always come here when I feel like escaping the real world out there."

He nodded his head and averted his eyes to stare at the green lake in front of us. "That's really nice. I had discovered this place when I had first moved to this town. And to answer your question, this place gives me the inspiration to sing. You know, those singing vibes and all." He replied, gesturing towards his guitar.

"Bingo. I feel the same. I mean, I find the inspiration to sketch and paint here," I replied enthusiastically.

"I guess we're on the same page for this one time," he smiled and I chuckled, shaking my head in amusement. He turned his head to look at me which was for about more than ten seconds. It was enough for the butterflies in my stomach to do the somersaults, to say the least. I squirmed under his stare and his eyes seemed to soften as a foreign emotion crossed his eyes.

We were actually having a conversation like some good ol' pals which was saying something. The first time we'd met, we had been so rude to each other and I still reproach myself for being so cynical towards him. But it hadn't been my fault either, he'd incessantly insulted my paintings so it was my natural behavior to defend my works as well as myself. Plus, I didn't know it was him at that time.

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