●Chapter 09●

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After Atlas's departure, I quickly busied myself by engaging in the conversations with all my customers that were curious to know the stories and reasons behind my paintings. They usually get awed by my inspirations for the paintings which in turn makes me smile proudly. 

It was three past five when the bell of my gallery chimed. It was very rare for anyone to come visit my gallery or buy something in the afternoon. So I usually occupied myself by painting landscapes or something scenic. Although, today was different. I was so engrossed into reading my usual and favorite novel. However, someone had to come and interrupt me.

I glanced up to see Kris grinning widely and walking towards me. I could already feel her throat bubbling up with some juicy news that she couldn't wait to share. "Oh my Gosh, there is thi-" she stopped herself short before she could even finish her sentence. Slowly, her smile dissipated and she gave me a dubious look. She wrinkled her brows in a thoughtful expression and scrutinized me with her questioning eyes. "You're smiling." She noticed.

I didn't even realize that until she pointed it out to me so I touched my lips and they were indeed stretched into a small smile. I cleared my throat and told her, "Well, thank you, Sherlock. What is the problem in that? Aren't we all supposed to be happy?"

"Spill the beans," she said, narrowing her eyes at me and ignoring my previous statement.

My jaw almost touched the ground. I was shocked to hear that she thought something was up. "What?"

She just rolled her eyes and gave me the look which clearly said 'spill-it-or-I'll-make-you'.

I sighed and told her. "So... Atlas and I bumped into each other yesterday and um, we were talking about stuff." I took a pause to prepare myself for the next statement. "Then I had to open my big, fat mouth and asked him something, uh, that I shouldn't have." I finished, scratching the back of my neck awkwardly.

"Okay," Kris said, nodding her head slowly and urged for me to continue. "Then?"

"Well, I asked him about Jenna out of the blue without even considering my question. I know I shouldn't have asked him that but I couldn't stop myself either," I said guiltily and uttered the last part a little too hastily to defend myself. "And he kind of got mad at me. Although, today he came by the gallery and talked to me. Like actually talk which means without passing any crude remarks at me and my paintings. And for the first time, he purchased one of my paintings. I was so ecstatic but I apologized to him before he left." I said beaming and jumping like a stupid girl.

Kris guffawed and shook her head in amusement. She wiggled her eyebrows in a suggestive way and commented. "I smell something fishy here," she said it in a sing-song voice to tease me even more.

I rolled my eyes but the smile dancing on my lips said otherwise. "So, why are you so happy?" I asked her finally. I was so bubbled up inside my own happiness that I almost didn't notice her excited smile when she had entered my gallery.

Her eyes widened and her mouth formed an 'O' shape as if just now remembering the reason why she came here. "Oh, yes about that." She squealed like a love-struck teenage girl. "Did you know that Mars has added our town for his world tour concert list? In Greenlake. Can you believe that?!" She gushed, fanning her face. "I got this news from my Chief. She informed us that Mars's PR team has requested to make it a public announcement and all that stuff, you know."

I chuckled at her excitement and replied. "I'd vaguely heard two girls talking about this exact same thing, about Mars's concert news but I dismissed it thinking it's some frivolous rumor." I shrugged.

"God, Aria you should have at least told me. I mean you knew it all this while. You know how much I admire that guy." She accused me and whined like a small kid. "But it wouldn't have mattered anyways. We're the ones who get the whiff of the juicy gossip first." She giggled.

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