●Chapter 17●

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I was about to ring the doorbell of my house when I heard a boisterous laugh coming from behind me. Furrowing my brows, I turned around to see Atlas's laugh slowly subsiding into small chuckles. A few seconds passed when it converted into a huge grin plastered across his lips.

"What's so funny?" I snapped at him, scrunching my nose and crossing my arms across my chest.

"I was just kidding, Ari," he assured, comforting me with a soft smile and revealing the cute dimples on his cheeks.

'Wait! Did he just call me Ari or am I hearing things?' I gave him a surprised look. Seconds passed by but he was still unfazed. As if just understanding my flabbergasted expression, he quickly straightened up and corrected himself.

"I mean Aria," he muttered, looking all flushed. "I'm sorry it just slipped... you know." He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

I cleared my throat and replied quickly, "Oh, no, it's totally fine actually. It's just that I'm not quite used to being called Ari." I nodded my head, not trying to make a huge deal out of it. "In fact, it's good to have a nickname for a change." 

I felt something tugging inside my chest but I wasn't quite sure of it. It was a strange feeling that I've never experienced before but it felt good. 

He smiled at me and clicked his fingers as if just now remembering something. "Hey, I totally forgot. I was actually wondering if we could exchange numbers, maybe?" He asked me, uncertainty clear in his voice. I must have totally looked like a gaping fish because his face dropped even more. Honestly, I didn't expect him to ask for my number.

I raised an eyebrow at him, trying to hide my happiness. I was beyond ecstatic if that was even possible. 'About time that he asked.'

I dictated my number to him to evade any further awkwardness that he might feel. However I couldn't stop the slight lilt in my voice. 

He pocketed his cell phone before rubbing the back of his neck. "I will text you so... you can save uh, my number as well." He told me, still a bit shy. 

I nodded my head because I didn't know what exactly to say. Saying our goodbyes, I finally rang my doorbell. My mom opened the door and passed me one of her huge smiles.

I didn't give it much thought and made my way towards the living room. Placing my backpack on the floor against the couch, I plopped down lazily with a heavy sigh.

My mom approached me inside the living room and leaned against the door frame. "What?" I asked, raising my head and looking at her. She was acting really weird. 

"You should totally bring that guy over some time," she gushed, wringing her hands together. 

My eyes almost bulged out of their sockets. "Mom," I whined

"Don't mom me, miss. I'd really like to meet this guy you're showing interest in after a long time," she said, giving me a genuine smile. I returned it with my own and shrugged noncommittally to avoid the topic. 

I didn't want anyone to meet Atlas unless there is something brewing. I couldn't be too sure either. 'What if I get my hopes high and he just wants to be friends with me? A big no-no. Also, mom knows my obsession with Jeff and what if she ends up embarrassing me by saying that I have a huge crush on him?'

My mom snapped me out of my thoughts by asking me a question, "What is his name again?"

"Atlas." I got off of the couch, avoiding any more interrogations from her and headed upstairs to my room.

I wondered when I would earn enough to get a home for myself. 'A home that I can call mine.' I internally sighed at my dreams of having a condo. 'Like it's going to happen anytime soon.' My thoughts seemed to make fun of me. A lot.

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