𝙸𝙸𝙸. 𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚎

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'Long before Earth had been touched by the gracious, disastrous hands of the mortals and those of the supernaturals, the Celestial and Infernal realms ruled over the giant orb floating around the space continuum.

Angel's were the divine purity of celestial, once the war took place, those who took either side took their rightful places next to their rulers. Those who did not believe in good or evil were cast down onto the mortal realm, relieved of there celestial duties. To walk the ends of earth as an immortal creature, but to suffer the same things as mortals, just for a longer time span.

Their wings were stripped from their backs, leaving them with two giant gashes in the upper part of their backs.

Centuries have passed since the fatal war, and most angels were forced to break contact with those who they held dear to their hearts. Among the masses of fallen angels was one in particular who took to the mortals quite easily. His name was Fabian, he was a warrior once. Now a humble refugee who lived in a tiny apartment on the outskirts of New Orleans.

Nobody expected for Fabian's eyes to fall onto a mortal girl who he passed by everyday on his way to the grocery store, at the cafe. He never made any contact, to afraid that he would make things worse, or frighten her off. But, one faithful day, that changed. The blonde woman looked up as Fabian walked past her.

Giant, beautiful green orbs struck out to Fabian as his greyish-blue connected with hers. Accidently crashing his body into hers, not stopping in time to catch himself, he made her drop the coffee that she held in her hand.

"I am so sorry!" Fabian apologized while picking the empty cup off the ground. His head snapped up once the sound of a melodious laughter filled his ears.

"It's completely fine. No harm done, now if you had gotten it on my shirt, I would've hurt you." The beautiful woman warned Fabian, his mouth turning up into a smile hearing the words leaving her mouth.

If Fabian didn't know what female angels looked like, this woman standing infront of him would've came close. Her beautiful blonde ringlet curls fell infront of her face, making her small, delicate hands reach up and push them behind her ear. Light shining into the emerald green orbs that had captured Fabian's attention, making it seem as though you could see what happiness looked like.

A purity radiated off of her body, making Fabian look her up and down. Seeing her dressed in a tight, yet modest yellow skirt that went down to her ankles. A pure, white blouse sitting on her abdomen, pulled down off of her shoulders with accessories complimenting her outfit.

"The names Cassandra by the way. Are you new around here? I've never seen you before." Cassandra asked the love struck Fabian. Smiling like an idiot, Fabian nodded softly before shaking himself out of the trance.

"Oh, yeah I moved here a few weeks ago. Still getting new to the area." Fabian nodded, before pointing towards the cafe.

"Want another one? My treat." Fabian offered sweetly, smiling at Cassandra with his pearly whites shining down at her.

Cassandra couldn't help but take to the stranger almost immediately, like she was drawn to him like a moth to a flame. She excepted the offer, leading Fabian into the cafe to where they had a lot of laughter and smiles.

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