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'A time comes when you have to decide between being the hero of the story or the evil mastermind. In this story, I am neither. I am just the sworn in sidekick that comes in whenever someone needs something of myself.

Maybe that's why I dont know how to expel my powers. Maybe that's why I couldn't save Landon that day. Because I am not as powerful as I thought I was.'

Branches and leaves swayed in the balance of the wind, blowing towards the south on account of the season changing. The forest was a forgiving place, somewhere lost souls come to think and rest when they have a burden on their shoulders.

Being one of the only places Faith could find peace during the day, meant she had to keep this place a secret and hidden under lock and key. Only an hour stood between her and her first class, for that hour Faith was going to see how tough she could actually be if the scenario demanded it.

Shining brightly even in the day time, Faith transitioned from her normal looking human form to the celestial form everyone had yet to see. It wasn't that she didn't want people seeing her true form, more like she didn't think her classmates were ready to handle such grace. Which came with the prospects of being an Angel.

Spreading her wings out before tucking them back behind herself, Faifh got into a fighting stance. Charging towards the tree that stood between her and school.
Having nothing on her mind except:



Ringing signalled to Faith that school was starting and she should get back soon. Carrying herself back to the Salvatore grounds, Faith made sure to put her wings away as well as to shift back from her armour into something more casual.

People passed by Faith on their way to class, smiling and waving to her goodmorning. Faith responded back with a genuinely kind smile, not seeing the featuring vampire and wolf propagation in the middle of the hallway until she bumped into one.

"Get you vampires out of my face!" Raf stepped closer to Jeremiah, flaring his nostrils and growling before Faith stepped in the middle.

"Both of you need to stand down. Raf, Jer, look at me. Nothing is going to be solved if you two don't lose this toxic masculinity." Faith cursed at the two of them, making them look down at the small girl. Pushing her out of the way into Jed's grasp.

Faith stood shocked at the fact they had man handled her in such a way. Rubbing her hands together, Faith placed her pinkies into her mouth calling out a whistle making each faction flinch. Jed standing in for the wolves and Roman for the vampires.

"If you all don't get your sorry asses to class before the final bell rings, you are all getting detention after school today." Faith brought out the hall monitor side in her, making all of them groan before dispersing like nothing had happened.

Chocolate brown eyes falling onto the emerald eyed girl who had just stood her ground. Faith felt the attention she was getting and didn't know where it was coming from as she walked back towards her class. Today was gonna be a strange day, seeing as Faith was now moving up from small creatures to full sized deer.

"Oh great." Faith muttered, pushing her sleeves up before the radiating warmth resonated underneath her hands.


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