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People filled up in lines waiting to receive medical attention from the hornet attack that just rampaged their small town. How was it that they had just gotten there, yet this place was set up so quickly? No way that this place had experienced this type of attacks before, cause this town would've been wiped out, right?

Faith kept close to Kaleb, hugging his arm close to her body. Never been one for doctors or needles, she was just glad she didn't get stung by one of those giant hornets. Kaleb kept close to Faith, making sure nothing and no one touched her.

"You two together?" A woman with the medical team who seemed less than enthused asked Alaric and Emma.

"Yeah you know we just came from Roanoke to see that giant ball of yarn you guys have." Alaric stated making sure everyone heard incase they got questioned.

"And these are?" The woman motioned to Faith, Lizzie, Josie, and Hope.

"This is my wife, Emma and these are our daughters. From my first marriage." Faith was quite impressed with how fast Dr. Saltzman made up his stories. Maybe just a little too quick.

"And Kaleb is uh," Alaric stumped himself before Josie and Faith placed their hands on his chest.

"My boyfriend." The two girls looked at each other with wide eyes. The woman quite shocked at the two girls sharing a boyfriend.

"Hey, when you're good you're good right?" Kaleb shrugged, smirking softly as Faith and Josie shrugged his arms their shoulders.

Soon all of them were let through, Faith catching up to her sister, holding her arm. Hope's face drained in color seeing the man who passed them slowly.

"Hope, who was that?" Faith questioned her sister, wondering who that man was.

"Nobody just go over there with Kaleb. I'll be right back okay?" Hope reassured her sister, who didn't believe it for a second but agreed.

Faith made her way over towards Kaleb, standing next to him while sighing softly. Hands trapped in her pockets, not wanting to be there any longer then they had too.

"You good?" Kaleb asked Faith.

"Do I look good?" Faifh hissed, Kaleb retreating his hand from her shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I'm just...not good around doctors." Faith swallowed a large lump in her throat, looking at Kaleb with a guilt conscious.

"Hey dont worry. Dr. S is gonna get us out of here and then he'll be back home, in the dorms, having a movie night and eating ice cream. Okay?" Kaleb consoles the frightened girl, wrapping her in a tight hug. Hoping they would get out of this horrific place soon.

Faith's arms wrapped around Kaleb's waist, nodding into his chest after inhaling the intoxicating aroma of his cologne, sighing at the comfort it brought to her.


Sitting down on the cot that was preoccupied with a patient who was stabbed multiple times by the plague infested hornets were the four girls who accompanied there father and headmaster on his trip. Among them, was Faith who at the moment could've felt a lot better with something to nest or just by getting out of there.

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