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Faith was making her rounds during the night, being one of the schools only hall monitors wasn't the easiest job. Having to bust kids or classmates that wanted a late night snack, or some that wanted to sneak out for some fun. Or even having the younger children running at her, scared of a monster lurking in the shadows. Which was always a tree branch in the window making shadows.

Tonight, was no exception, as Faith continued to make her final round for the night she heard a terrifying scream coming from the younger students quarters. She ran inside to see Pedro sitting straight up in his bed, looking as if he had seen a ghost.

"Pedro? Are you okay sweetie?" Faith kindly asked while sitting at the end of Pedro's bed.

"I...I saw a monster." Pedro whispered while holding onto Faith's arm for comfort. Faith sighed softly, holding both of her hands facing each other horizontally. Muttering a few words before a ball of light began to glow.

"Here sweetie, use this tonight so you don't have anymore nightmares." Faith handed the light to Pedro in which the ball of light soon turned into a soft, cuddly stuffed animal.

"Thank you Faith." Pedro hugged Faith one last time before slowly drifting back off to sleep.

Sighing softly, Faith began heading back to her dorm to get some much needed sleep. Expecting to see her sister sleeping in her bed, Faith was not as surprised as she should've been to see her sister no where in sight. Feet guiding her towards her bed to get some good nights rest, Faith was soon fully awake when Dr. Saltzman called for an emergency meeting.


"Yesterday, I came into possession of another Malivore artifact." Faith sat next to MG with her head on his shoulder, slowly falling asleep by the second.

MG smirking softly as he continued to shake Faith awake in attempts to keep her awake.

"It was my hope to find a way of containment before it signalled another monster, but given the emergency meeting I've just called, you can probably see how well that went. But rest assured we are taking every precaution. Sheriff Donovan has been kind enough to open the doors to the Lockwood Mansion for us. So now Mr. William's and Ms. Tig are in the process of evacuating the students from the lower grades." Alaric continued to explain the importance of this issue with all of the students.

Faith had finally woken completely up at the mention of the younger students evacuating, reminding her of Pedro.

"Why dont we just evacuate the damn artifact?" Kaleb shouted for everyone to hear, making Faith roll her eyes softly.

"Well we are much more well equipped than the world to handle the arrival of another monster. And once we know what we are dealing with and the problem is contained, then we can reassess what to do with the artifact." Alaric explained to all of them, most of which were still asleep or half asleep. Beginning to wake up from the exposure of reality.

"If any of you would like to evacuate, please talk to Dorian or Emma. However, exam week will continue as scheduled, wherever you are." Everbody started to groan, hoping to get another week of studying or slacking before midterms came to town.

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