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Walking through the corridor of the school, Faith walked with her head held high. Wearing her cheerleading uniform to support her schools team today for flag football, she held her school books close to her body. She had a few classes today before heading out to the field to support her friends for the schools rivalry game today against Mystic Falls Timberwolves.

"Hey there she is." MG popped his head into the classroom Faith walked through.

"Hey MG, what's up?" Faith sat down at her desk softly, making sure to tuck her skirt down underneath of her while looking over at her friend.

"Just making sure you are coming to root your best friend on." MG cheekily commented, before Faith could speak another voice popped in cackling.

"You joking if you think you're her best friend. We all know that angel here only has one best friend...me." Kaleb cockily pointed at himself while sitting down next to Faith.

Faith raised her eyebrow before smirking and looking at MG.

"Of course I'll be there, rooting on my #1." Faith winked at MG playfully for him to get the message while he nodded and smiled.

"I'll take no offense to that just because I know you don't want to hurt his feelings while he is still here." Kaleb implied while turning in his seat to face the front, glaring at the front board.

Kaleb didn't know why he was feeling so angry and enraged at how Faith said MG was her #1. He thought jealousy, but he wasn't the jealous type was he?


Soon, class got out for the teenagers, leaving the vampires to go to their class and Faith to be by herself since no one around in the school had all the same classes as her. Being part angel had some of its perks, like bringing back things from the dead. Mostly flowers or small animals. Or singing beautifully when no one was listening.

It was mostly down falls though. Everyone at school had someone who shared something in common with another student. Faith could of guessed that's why her and Hope couldn't be any more closer. They were both one of their kind.

But, unfortunately, Hope was not around right now because she had more important obligations to fulfill. Like finding Landon Kirby who had stolen one of the sacred artifacts from the library. Leaving Faith to once again, be alone all day and possibly the night.

"Whatever." Faith muttered as she picked her things up and left the library with her books. Placing them in her bag that she sent up to her room before heading down towards the field where everyone from school was cheering and screaming. Allowing our team to get pumped up and siked for the game. Even though they lost every year, it was part of blending in. Nothing looks more normal then a 'rich' kid school losing to a bunch of townies.

Faith caught up with the rest of her team mates and smiled.

"There you are Faith, we were beginning to worry you weren't going to show up." Tori Florez, werewolf, commented with a fake smile on her face.

Most people Faith could tolerate, Tori Florez was definitely not one of them. The only reason Faith stayed on the team was because it was the only sport she was actually interested in. She rather leave the bruises and battering to Lizzie and Josie who played flag football alongside MG and Kaleb.

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