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Once more they were all gathered in the grand hall, listening to their headmaster give one of his valuable speeches. Faith sat next to one of the giant ceiling high windows, watching the world pass her by.

"Given recent events, some of the students have expressed concern that I am not allowing you to have a say in the decisions that affect your future. And I agree, if you are expected to abide by this schools policy, it's only fair that you have a voice in how those rules are made." Dr. Saltzman ventured off, telling his students about his new agenda and extra curricular. Faith's head never moving from the window of curiosity.

"So, I am forming an honor council. One witch, one vampire, one werewolf, all elected by their peers. Along with our counselor Emma, whose vote will represent the younger students. Now I have to go off-campus, but I expect you will make good decisions, and vote wisely. That's all. Your dismissed." Dr. Saltzman finished his speech, allowing Faith to be the first student to up and leave the auditorium, leaving everyone in shock of how the seemingly sweet and social angel, was now running from the world and everyone in it.


Gym was Faith's least favorite class of the day, she only had it three times a week, but it was still a major kick in the ass most of the time. Especially since she had it with the wolves who weren't particularly nice when it came to sports.

Walking inside the gym in her long pink athletic shorts and white crop top tshirt, Faith made her way over to the other girls she has been friends with for a while. Noticing that Jed and Rafael were talking, you could cut the toxic masculinity with a knife, it was that unappealing. Rafael didn't look very happy once he left, meaning Jed had said something to him that set him off.

Faith marched her way over towards Jed who was about to start playing basketball once again, passing the ball in one of the younger wolves direction, just for it to land in Faith's hands.

"What was that about?" Faith speculated, motioning towards the door that Rafael had just left through.

"Pack stuff. Now, get out of the way before the ball hits you in your pretty little face." Jed smirked, holding Faith's chin by his thumb and pointer finger. Trying to take the ball away from Faith who held it away from him. Turning around Faith shot the ball towards the net that swishes around the net until it landed in the center.

"I'll take my chances." Faith sneered before walking away back towards the girls who were playing volleyball.

Jed's eyes following the sassy angel who had just talked to him in a way he had never heard before, knowing something was going on inside of her that no one else could even sense.


"Hey Faith! I was just about to go see Kaleb, I got him some blood from the fridge. Wanna come with?" MG offered Faith politely, showing a sincere smile while they both stood in the library looking over all of the books.

"I suppose. I have nothing better to do with my time anyways." Faith muttered, following MG down to cellars where a hunger striking Kaleb sat on the cold cement floor.

Faith's arms were crossed over her chest as she leaned back against the cement wall. Picking at her nails that had dirt underneath of them from helping the younger children plant their flowers this morning.

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