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"You two are now officially apart of the Super Squad." MG indicted Landon and Kaleb who sat in Rafael's room.

"Dope. You made it." Kaleb stuck his fist out towards Landon who sat with his guitar.

"You ready?" MG asked.

"What?" Kaleb furrowed his brows while looking between the two while being careful of the bed head leaned against. Faith still wasnt awake from the last terror she had and everyone was worried. Kaleb told Hope he'd look after her until she got back, and fhats exactly what he had done.

"Oh here we go. He said it. Super Squad. No one realer, never dreamed that I'd be the one to be a dream killer. It's like Salvatore School meets 'Thriller'. It came creeping on me, but it was sleeping on me. Couldnt touch it, couldnt put my hand on, and MG is the homie I can land on." Kaleb began to rap which seemed to bring Faith out of her trance like state.

Hearing the intoxicating voice of her demon rapping to the beat of Milton's throat box and Landons guitar.

"His girl Hope Imma always take a chance on, she killed a demon and I just killed the damn song." Kaleb ended the rap song, making Faith giggle softly.

Catching Kalebs attention, Faith slowly sat up looking at him.

"Hey." Faith muttered softly.

"Hey." Kaleb muttered back.


Sunrise had came over the horizon just as Faith had dropped back into the school grounds from one of very few flies over Salvatore High's grounds. Her wings hadn't been spread out in a while and felt good to actually see the light of day again.

Wind blew through each feather, making it shiver and fluff up a bit to give her more height in the sky. Faith wasn't excatly sure how far she could go, but wasn't about to push it. Especially after reading the greek mythos about Icarus and his father. Faith was not about to push her luck that much.

As fate would have it, just as Faith got back, the two people she missed most in the world were also back.

Lizzie and Josie Saltzman.

"Ahh!! You're back! How was Europe?" Faith quickly tucked her wings away before bringing both girls into her arms.

"It was great Faith, thanks for asking." Josie beamed while showing Faith all the pictures she took.

"And how about you my queen? Don't tell me that you just got back and are already on a hell bound mission?" Faith chirped while grabbing Lizzie's arm in her own. Walking with her into the school she dreaded to see again.

"Father didn't pick us up so we had to take...a cab." Lizzie gagged, holding Faith close to her.

"Awe come on Lizzie. Cabs are not that bad. Besides, you could've just called me and I could've picked you up." Faith recalled as she showed Lizzie her new drivers license she got while the two were away.

"Ugh, I am so over today." Lizzie groaned rolling her luggage inside.

"Dont worry itll get better I promise." Faith attested, kissing Lizzie and Josie's cheek before walking away to find her something to do. Not feeling the need to hear Lizzie badger on to her father about how terrible her ride was here.

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