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( Please enjoy the story! Also if timelines don't match I am sorry! I am only going by what I have researched online.)


Early March 2028

Tonight, the room felt more lonelier then usual from the fact that a certain person was missing. Someone who made the night special enough to stay awake to see the moon shine its brightest. Nights like these were the worst because sleep was never going to come, until she got back from her trip.

Until then, Faith supposed she would just go find something to do outside of the empty dorm that felt like a void, closing in on her body until it collapsed and swallowed her up. Tiptoeing down to the kitchen of the beloved and yet very sacred Salvatore School, she made sure to not make much noise. Knowing that the vampires would be madder then hell at me for disturbing their nightly hours once again.

Tonight sounded like a good vanilla ice cream night with everything topping, and no not everything bagel. Everything topping for ice cream has her essentials, caramel syrup, with gummy bears, cherries, and whipped cream. The perfect cure for loneliness.

"With a cherry ontop." Placing the cherry ontop, Faith pulled the drawer filled with silverware out finding a giant spoon perfect for ice cream.

"Ice cream night?" A calm, deep voice let out behind he, making Faith's whole body jump up into defense mode, pointing the spoon at the attacker.

"Woah, woah! Chill out woman." Kaleb held his hands up in the air, making her shake her head as she let out a breath Faith didn't realize was still held in her throat.

"What the hell are you doing? I could've hurt you!" Turning back around Faith picked up the ice cream bowl, setting the spoon down inside of the already melting ice cream.

"With a spoon? Like to see you try princess." Kaleb rattled off with a chuckle, making Faith shake her head before walking back to the staircase. Kaleb hot on the trail.

"What are you even doing up this late?" Kaleb jogged up the steps next to her, his locs shaking each time he did.

"Do you need to know everything about my life?" Faith hissed at Kaleb who looked taken back at my tone.

"Sorry, just having a rough night." Sighing, Faith entered her bedroom, setting the bowl of deliciousness down.

"Is it because she isn't here?" Kaleb guessed, pointing at the made up bed on the other side of the room that was usually occupied by her sister.

"Faith, she'll be back soon enough. Just give her some time." Kaleb tried reassuring Fairh, but it wasn't enough to make her fall asleep or not worry.

"Just want to make sure she makes it back." Faith mumbled softly while getting situated in bed, holding the bowl on her lap, not looking up to make eye contact.

"Want me to stay here and keep you company till she gets back?" Kaleb offered, giving her a cheeky smile he knew would make Faith smile as well.

"You don't have too." The soon left a cold blob of ice cream on her tongue, melting in the warmth of her palette.

"Of course I do, you're my best friend apart from MG." Kaleb implied before walking into the room, shutting the door behind himself.

"So, what are we doing now? Watching a movie? Playing a game? Eating ice cream?" Kaleb raised his eyebrow while picking up the spoon from Faith's bowl and eating her icecream.

"That is mine good sir, and we can watch a movie if you'd like." Pressing a button on the remote, the whole screen lit up before she handed the remote to Kaleb.

"I don't care what you choose, just no horror movies. I have enough things in my life to scare me." Faith warned Kaleb, but as usual, he hears what she says but it just leaves out the next ear.

Once the bowl of ice cream was gone, Faith sat it down on the nightstand next to her bed. Laying down next to Kaleb, who was already laying down, making himself at home as much as he could. More and more of the practical, yet gross and scary parts came up in the movie so Faith did what any other normal girl would do in my scenario.

She closed her eyes tightly, hands covering her eyes and hid her face in Kaleb's side.

"I am never forgiving you for making me watch this movie." Kaleb laughed hearing the mumbling voice come out between her fingers.

"Aww come on sweet cheeks. It's not so bad." Kaleb comforted Faith, wrapping his arms around her body while pulling Faith into his grasp tighter.

"Whatever. You're still mean." Fairh mumbled, placing her head down on Kaleb's chest, closing her eyes so she didn't have to see anymore of the gruesome movie.

You'd think that it wouldn't be that great, laying your head down on a boy, expecting to hear a heart beat just to hear that nothing beats there. It was rather pleasant, because you know that even when his heart stops beating he'll always be there for you.

Darkness began to take over Faith's once rambunctious and restless body, sleep overcoming herself. Leaving Kaleb the only one awake, which he didn't mind. Kaleb always had a soft spot for the lesser known sister of the two. Her goofy personality and kind nature made her be liked by everybody, even Lizzy Saltzman which wasn't that hard, but it was better then what she had against her sister.

Looking down at the now sleeping girl, Kaleb just chuckled and watched the movie until it was over. Keeping his arm tightly locked around the back of Faith, rubbing her lower back.

Around an hour later, the door swung open to a Brunette girl setting her stuff down on her bed. Not realizing that their was another vampire laying in her room with her sister until she looked over at her bed.

"How was your night Hope?" Kaleb genuinely asked Hope while looking over at her.

"It was good, except now I have to go help Dr. Saltzman. How is she doing?" Hope stressed, walking over to the other side of the room where her sister and her friend were.

"She was restless, wanting to stay up until you got back, but that didn't last long after movie night." Kaleb revealed to the now relieved Hope.

"I'm glad she had you then, she doesn't need to be stressed out and worried about me all the time. If anything I should be worried about her." Hope went on before walking back to the door, holding her hand on it.

"Please make sure she stays asleep Kaleb. She needs all that she can get." Hope left the room to help Dr. Saltzman, leaving Kaleb and Faith once again.

"Don't worry I will." Kaleb comfortingly muttered while turning the lamp light off. Leaving Kaleb to close his eyes and just think.


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