Light In The Dark

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Wow! This story is a roller coaster of emotions! It is completed! I am so proud to be able to say that. I started writing this a few months back and it's finally done. I wanted to wait until it was to post and it is now! It stands strong at 42 chapters plus an epilogue! Most chapters are similar in word count, but a few are longer.

I would like to dedicate this story to Sasha. A friend turned sister of mine. I am so grateful to have her in my life! Sasha, I really hope you love this story as much as I do!

The beginning of this story is okay, but later on in certain chapters I will be putting up warnings that could be triggering for some people. I'll put a note at the beginning of the chapter and the warnings at the end in case you don't want to read them and possible spoil that chapter.

Words: 1,608


"So, they didn't have gummy bears so I got you gummy worms instead," Pulling herself up into the passenger side of the ambulance, the dark-haired paramedic throws the bag of sugary treats into her partner's lap.

"Pft," The older man grumbles but accepts them anyway. "The bears are better."

"Okay, one, they're the same thing, only shaped differently," The young woman points out, holding up a single finger before lifting another one. "Two, I don't know why you enjoy eating little, innocent bears anyway."

"They're not innocent," Richard says as if he's been personally offended.

"Oh, yeah?" Devyn cocks her head to the side in question. "How so?"

"Well-" Before he can say anything else, a voice sounds through their radio. "There goes our quiet night." Richard mumbles after listening to the address and details, his hand already reaching to put the vehicle in drive.

"Where's the fun in a quiet night?" Devyn asks, wincing when her partner pulls out in the street roughly. "I'm driving next time."

"When you've been doing this as long as I have, you'll pray for quiet nights."

"Sure, old man," Devyn smiles when Richard rolls his eyes but she sits back in her seat, preparing for when they arrive. The dispatcher said something about a federal agent. Though that's not rare with living so close to an FBI building, Devyn hasn't had any interesting calls before. Mostly just broken bones, people confusing heartburn for a heart attack. One pregnant lady. Not that she wants people to be hurt, of course, she doesn't, she took this job because she wanted to help people.

When they pull up outside the house, the flashing lights of the ambulance combine with those of the cop cars to shed light on the scene.

"Come on, rookie," Richard says while jumping out of the vehicle.

"I'm not-" Devyn groans and decides not to argue, instead she follows him.

"What do we got?" She hears her partner question one of the cops.

"There was a shoot out," She hears the lady telling them but she doesn't look at her, her eyes scan their surroundings instead. "Suspect got two to the chest, he was conscious for a minute but he's gone now. A few of ours got roughed up though, there's another bus on the way."

"Alright, Miller," Devyn runs her attention to Richard as he points. "I got this one, check him out."

"Yes, sir," She salutes before grabbing her medical bag, moving towards the man leaning against an SUV. The flashing lights cast shadows across his face but she can see a cut above his eyebrow. His right hand holding his left arm. The man standing next to him is saying something but Devyn can't hear him.

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