Just A Rehearsal

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Thanks for reading and reviewing! I hope you guys are ready for a wedding because we're having one real soon!

This story is almost over, and it's bitter sweet. I love this story and don't ever want it to end, but I'm happy that I've completed it, you know? And I love how it turns out.

Also, I thought of another CM story idea lol

Words: 1,330


As soon as Devyn steps out of the ambulance, she's greeted by the face of a frantic man waving them towards the front door. Both paramedics can hear pained groans coming from inside before they're even close. Devyn shares a totally not panicked look with Richard before they enter the house.

"It's okay, honey, just breathe," The man tells his wife after returning to her side. The woman herself sends him an irritated glance.

"He might be annoying, but he's right," Richard tells the heavily pregnant woman. "Deep breaths."

"The contractions are constant now, right?" Devyn asks the woman who only nods, her expression twisted up in pain. "She's almost completely dilated." Devyn directs this comment to Richard.

"We can't move you, you'll have to deliver this baby here," He informs the woman. "You ready for that?" In response, the woman lets out another pained noise, her knuckles turning white around the grip on her husband's hand. The man winces a little but he pushes his own pain aside to comfort his wife. "Okay, let's do this."

A mere seven minutes and twenty-three seconds later, Devyn holds a tiny human in her arms. The smile on her face is large, her eyes bright. The tiny baby looks back up at her, in wonder. And probably confusion.

Snapping out of her trance, Devyn moves towards the couple and slowly lowers the child into her mother's arms. "You have a beautiful baby girl." With happy tears in their eyes, the new mother and father coo over their child.

Running a hand over her face, Devyn releases a tired sigh and continues towards her car. The day has been long and...long.

"Miller," Stopping, Devyn spins around and raises her eyebrows at Richard in question. "You good?"

"Yeah," She breaths out with a nod before pursing her lips. "Why do you ask?"

Shrugging, Richard moves forward until he's standing in front of the younger woman. "Just making sure," He mumbles, his hands in his pockets. "And you said you wanted to ask me something at the end of our shift. It's the end of our shift."

"Right," Devyn nods and looks off to the side. "Uh, it's-it's no big deal, really, you know? I just-"

"Spit it out, kid,"

"Will you give me away?" Devyn does exactly as Richard said and spits the words out quickly. "I mean, at the wedding-my wedding. Would you...walk me down the aisle?"

Opening his mouth, Richard closes it without saying anything. But then he smiles softly. "I'd be honored," Releasing a breath, Devyn nods and grins. "Did you actually think I'd say no?"

"Figured it was possible," She shrugs.

"Maybe you don't know me as well as you thought you did," Throwing his arm around her shoulders, Richard leads Devyn the rest of the way to her car. "Alright, you're tired, you're getting married in two days. Thanks for the short notice, by the way. Go home, get some sleep."

"Yes, sir," With a mock salute, Devyn unlocks her car. "Thanks, Rich, I'll see you tomorrow."

"I'll see you tomorrow, kid," Waving her off, Richard waits until Devyn is in her car and the doors are locked before he climbs inside his own.

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