Happy Ever After

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This is the last chapter! It's all coming to and end, but not really. There is an epilogue and hopefully many one-shots in the future featured around this story! Again, if you guys have anything you want to see, let me know and I'll write it!

Thanks for reading this story all the way through! Thanks for all the support! The comments have been nothing but amazing and supportive! I love you guys!

Words: 1,046


Yawing, Devyn stretches her arms above her head and turns over in bed. "Hm, good morning," She mumbles when she notices Spencer already awake. "Were you watching me sleep?"

"Maybe," He smiles down at her, lifting his hand to push a strand of hair out of her face.

"What time is it? We're not going to be late, are we?"

"No, we have time. Only if we get up now."

"Alright, let's go," Pushing herself to her feet, Devyn moves into the bathroom. She brushes her teeth and changes while Spencer does the same. She then slips on her shoes before grabbing her bag. "Come on!"

"You woke up fast," Spencer chuckles and grabs his own things.

"I'm excited," Devyn shrugs. "Now, let's go, we don't want to miss our plane."

Jumping into the car, Spencer and Devyn head to the airport. They go through security and all that fun stuff before boarding the plane. They have to take more than one flight and it's a long journey but eventually, the newlyweds are landing in Santorini for their honeymoon.

The sights are more gorgeous than Devyn had thought they would be. But despite wanting nothing more than to explore, she's ready to get to where they're staying. She's feeling sick from all the traveling. Nobody likes jet lag.

After crashing for a few hours, Spencer and Devyn order in and eat on the balcony. "It's so beautiful," Devyn mumbles against the breeze, her gaze sweeping across the lights of the city. "Doesn't feel real."

"The view or this?" Spencer questions while reaching over the table to grab her hand.

"Both," Devyn admits with a small laugh. "In a good way, I promise." Just then, a wave of nausea washes over her. "Okay, that felt real. Guess my stomach hasn't quite settled yet. Maybe spicy food wasn't the way to go."

"Maybe not," Spencer agrees and stands. "How about we turn in early, sleep in. We have plenty of some to go out this week."

"You know, that sounds amazing, Dr. Reid."

"Only the best for you, Mrs. Reid," Spencer smiles while pulling Devyn to her feet. "Too cheesy?"

"A little but I like it," Wrapping her arm around Spencer's waist, Devyn walks next to him back inside. "Now, take me to bed."

"Don't have to ask me twice."


Afternoon sunlight peaks its way in through the curtains, a soft breezing following it in through the open windows. A beam of natural light lands right across Spencer's closed eyes, rousing the man from sleep.

"Why're you out of bed?" He asks Devyn in a sleepy voice, his eyes squinted at her.

"I was going to come back," She says, turning her attention away from the view and towards him. "But I decided to order breakfast and surprise you instead."

"Ooh, you're too good to me," Spencer smiles and sits up. "Surprised ruined, can I know what we'll be eating?"

"I went simple. Pancakes, eggs, and fruit. Oh, and scones," Pushing off the window seal and moves across the room towards her husband.

"Sounds amazing," Spencer sighs and grabs the back of Devyn's thighs, pulling her to stand between his knees. "You feel better?"

"Much, thank you," Running her fingers through his hair, Devyn leans down to place a kiss to Spencer's lips.

After enjoying the best breakfast either of them has ever had, Spencer and Devyn set out into the town they're staying in. They see the sights, they meet locals. Devyn insists they get little trinkets to bring back to the others.

Thank take many, many pictures. They stop for a late lunch, they go swimming and dancing. They walk the lit-up streets that night, amazed by the beauty all around them.

From a young age, Devyn never saw this for herself. Meeting a good man. Finding so much joy in another person and have them feel the exact same about her. She never saw herself being this happy. She never saw her happy ever after. Until she met Spencer.

Spencer still finds it hard to believe he is where he is. With this amazing woman by his side. One who loves him as deeply as he loves her. Someone he can't imagine living his life without. Someone he'd do anything for. His happy ever after.

Both Reid's admit and agree that their honeymoon week is the best of their lives. It might be cliche but it's true. No stress, no work. No killers, no threats of any kind. A well-deserved time off and away from everything.

By the time they're back, they both feel well-rested. For the most part. Spencer's back to work that Monday but Devyn takes another few days. But she does find her way into the BAU office the afternoon of Spencer's first day back.

Everyone greets her with enthusiasm. She gives them the gifts she got before having lunch with Spencer. She would've taken him out - with permission - if she didn't have somewhere else to be soon.

"I love you and I'll see you tonight, okay?"

"If we don't get a case, I'll be home in time for dinner," Spencer nods and returns Devyn's kiss. She smiles and grabs her bag before waving goodbye to the others. She closes her eyes once the elevator doors clothes and takes a deep breath to calm her nerves. It doesn't work.


"Dev? I'm home," Spencer calls out when he enters their apartment. He removes his messenger bag from his shoulder and sets it on the couch, running his fingers through his messy hair. "Dev, you here?"

"Yeah," Devyn responds and Spencer follows her voice and finds her in the bedroom. Her back is turned to him and he cocks his head to the side.

"You okay?"

"Yeah," Devyn repeats without turning to him. Spencer's eyebrows furrow and he takes another step towards her. He starts to worry until she finally faces him and Spencer relaxes when he sees her smiling.

"What's got you so happy?" Spencer asks with a matching grin. He steps forward and wraps an arm around her waist, pulling her to him. He feels her take a deep breath and watches her mouth open once before closing again. "Dev?"

"I'm pregnant."


Ahhhhhh! I would say the end but that wouldn't be true! I hope this story will live on for awhile longer!

1. How did you guys like that ending? I had planned on doing that from the start lol!
2. The honey moon was well deserved for this couple and thankfully, nothing went wrong.
3. Devyn is pregnant! Ep
ilogue will be up tomorrow!

Thanks again so much for reading this story, I really, really hope you guys enjoyed! I would love to know your thoughts and emotions over the whole things! Reviews don't have to be long to let me know if you guys liked it! I thank you all so much, even the silent readers! Love you all!



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